chapter 39

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"This the gonna go so wrong." Ava whispered out to Bucky as she reached up to grab the next railing.

"Relax, Avalanche. My therapist told me this would be good." Bucky caught up to her as they hung off the side of the stadium. Yes, the stadium.

"I ditched my job for a reason, so I wouldn't have to risk my life.. are you sure your therapist told you this?" Ava hoisted herself up to swing her legs over the side of the barrier.

"She called me lonely, though I'm pretty sure I'd only be able to talk someone who liked me into climbing this." Bucky joined her to look down at the show below.

"You talk to a total of two people.."

"Which isn't bad at all. I like you and.. I feel like I'm doing something right when I meet up with Yuri." Bucky tried to reason making Ava drop the subject.

"I remember when we used to do something like this every evening." Ava sighed as she looked back to watch for security.

"Yeah. Well, we never tackled something this big." Bucky laughed as he put an arm around Ava.

"They have the same feeling, of being somewhere that if we're caught.." Ava looped her fingers around her wrists to imitate getting arrested.

"Oh, please." Bucky sighed and leaned his head down to be on top of Ava's. "You secretly love this, we get our adrenaline rush without having the 50/50 chance of death."

"Of course I do." Ava slouched into Bucky's side as they lay back to look at the sky. "You know, you should talk to Sam, he misses you."

"I'll think about it." Bucky whispered. "Where do you want to eat tonight?"

"Let's get pizza." Ava stretched before folding her arms behind her head.

"The small place or the big place?"

"Obviously the.."

"The small? Got it." Bucky grinned at the fact he knew exactly what mood Ava was in.

"Didn't we come here to watch the game?" Ava laughed to Bucky as he shrugged.

"Change of plans. We have the sky." His eyes didn't move down from the stars as he spoke.

"Yeah, I guess that's pretty special too." Ava smiled across at Bucky as he reached out to hold onto her hand, twiddling the rings on her finger. He beamed down at the two as he smiled up at the night again.

"Honestly, there's times I'm grateful for having the therapy, other times, not so much. I want to go somewhere with you, Ave, I really do."

"Hey, I'm the one who was lucky to get a good few years of normality in. The fact you're still having nightmares, does that not make you see that it's worth it? To try?" Ava rolled to her left to look Bucky in the eyes.

"Yeah. I understand it's importance, that doesn't mean I wouldn't like to just be able to put it on pause for a couple of days." Bucky smiled back as he moved one of his legs to be between Ava's.

"It will all be better some day. That's one good thing about being strange, we got a whole lot more time to fill." Ava leant to kiss Bucky as he placed one of his hands on her cheek. "I love you."

"I love you too, Ave."

The celebratory fireworks had started from the game below, for what side Ava didn't know, but she could visibly see Bucky begin to shuffle.

"Are you alright?" She asked him as he began nodding rapidly, pasting a fake smile on. Ava sat up causing Bucky to also sit up quickly. "Hey, what's up?"

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