chapter 25

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From the floor below, Ava could see both Steve and Bucky trying to stop the attack.

As more soldiers began climbing the steps, Ava had to advert her eyes from her friends to begin firing at them. A loud creek made her turn to see Bucky swinging down to land on her floor, punching the final man before wrapping an arm around Ava's waist. He wasted no time in jumping to fall down the middle of the stairs. The fall ended as Bucky stretched his other arm out to grab hold of the railing, bending it slightly under the combined weight. He pushed Ava up so she could climb over before pulling himself back onto ground again. Bucky kicked down the door ahead of them as Ava covered him until he was safely through. With one final aim, she turned to follow after Bucky. Ava kept running before she met a steep drop with nowhere to go.

"Bucky, I don't-" Ava turned to see what they could do when Bucky once again picked her up off the ground and jumped to the roof below. Ava ran forward and picked her bag off the ground before continuing to sprint away. That was until a sharp kick to the back of her head made her fall to the ground.

"Ave!" Bucky shouted out to her as he began fighting whoever it was that had attacked her. Looking up, she saw a man in a black suit managing to successfully beat Bucky, throwing him into the side of a vent. Ava ran towards him but was stopped by a set of metal claws lashing out at her. She ducked as the man in the suit now turned to face her. She kicked forward but was shocked when it seemed to have zero affect on him. Instead he took another swipe at her leg, slashing her skin as her white sweatpants began to dye red. She breathed sharply through her teeth as she fell to the ground, having to quickly roll to avoid the same fate happening to her face. Bucky had obviously recovered and now leapt forward, kicking the man away from Ava.

A helicopter had found them on the roof and began firing at the three. Ava could feel a rise of panic as the shots grew closer to her but was shocked when they bounced off the mans suit, him once again looking like it hadn't even made a dent. Ava saw Sam swoop in and kick the helicopter off balance, giving Ava time to find her feet again. Bucky had somehow made the man fall to the floor as he began hurriedly looking for her.

"Jump down there and whatever happens, don't stop running!" He shouted to Ava as she leapt off the side of the building and began climbing down the vents that where stuck on the side. Once she had made it to the floor, she looked up to see Bucky following the route she had taken while another figure also began sliding down the main vent. Once Bucky was just about to reach the ground, Ava started running in the opposite direction, not looking back to see just how much distance was between them and the man. The helicopter had unfortunately regained control as Bucky pulled Ava down and onto a road below, continuously running. It was at this point Ava was happy Nat had dragged her out on those sprints as she was able to keep her footing as Bucky dragged her forward.

Sirens could now be heard and Ava saw the reflection of blue lights illuminating the tunnel ahead. She had never had to jump over cars before, but it started to become more natural the more Bucky seemed to be unable to just dodge them like she had been doing. Ava noticed a fork in the road up ahead and looked to see Bucky change direction slightly to hop over a barrier. As Ava followed, she took the split second to see where their two followers were. Turns out she needn't have to look for long, the man in the catsuit was holding onto a car Steve had managed to get ahold of.

Light once again filled the tunnel as daylight could now be seen up ahead. Bucky was a few meters ahead of Ava so he was already back outside into the open. She watched as he grabbed hold of the handlebars of a passing motorbike and lifted it up, throwing the driver off and pulling it so that he was now seated.

"Ave, get on!" He yelled out as Ava could now hear the sirens ringing from behind her. She used her good foot to propel forward and grab hold of Bucky as he accelerated as fast as the bike would go. Ava turned her head to see police cars now chasing after them making her think of a new plan.

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