chapter 46

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"How many vials did you make?" Sam questioned the Doctor.

"Twenty. Karli Morgenthau stole those, so.. I can only imagine what the Power Broker has planned for that poor girl." The Doctor began scanning over his work, the tubes, the beakers.

"Where's Karli now?" Sam continued his questioning.

"I don't know where she is, but a couple of days ago, she called and asked if I could help someone named Donya Madani. Poor woman has tuberculosis. Typical of overpopulation in displacement camps like that." The Doctor informed them.

"Well, what happened to her?" Ava pushed him.

"Not my pig, not my farm." He almost smiled at her as she just looked forward in shock.

"Is there any serum in this lab?" Bucky spoke for the first time since their visit. When he was given no answer but a glance, the gun in his hand was moved once more to be pressed against the Doctor's head.


"Now what?" Bucky lowered the gun and turned away.

"Guys, we're seriously out of time here." Sharon yelled as she came bursting into the lab. Zemo lifted an arm, and with a quick shot, the Doctor was knocked back to the ground.

"No!" Sam shouted as he pushed Zemo back to a wall.

"What did you do?" Ava whispered as she looked to the dead body in front of her. An explosion to her left cause Ava to be grabbed by Bucky and pushed ahead to begin running. It was too late, though, as she was thrown to the floor by the blast, trying to filter her breathing from the smoke. She saw Bucky stir from beside her as he pulled her up by her waist before running to help the others. Once outside, Ava noticed the bounty hunters surrounding them.

"Alright, wait for my signal." Bucky told them as Sam darted off. "Damn it."

Bucky and Ava began walking almost back to back as they fired at those aiming at them. They found Sam and Sharon again in a sheltered spot as they took cover behind the fallen crate.

"And you like living here?" Sam shouted at Sharon when he was given a break in the fight.

"It's not terrible." She answered.

"I thought we were going to go left?" Bucky yelled at Sam.

"You went the wrong way!"

"I was clearing the way!"

"I came out first you were supposed to follow me!" Sam shouted as Ava, still crouching, shuffled to be beside Sharon. Protecting the drama queens behind them.

"And where are we now?!"

"Guys, not the time!" Sharon tried to break up the argument, to little success.

"This is a barricade!" Bucky shouted as he pointed at their protection.

"It's in every action movie!"

Finally, the squabble was stopped when a fiery blast blew up ahead. Zemo jumped down and began shooting at their attackers as Bucky hurried them out and away. Gunshot could still be heard from all around them as they ran.

"Buck!" Sam shouted when a man jumped out at him. Bucky reached forward and pulled a metal beam off of one of the containers, using it to knock the man to the ground. He then threw it forward, almost like a javelin, to pierce a woman's shoulder up ahead. Sam pulled Bucky back into the container and quickly shut the door, protecting them from the outside.

As soon as the gunshots had stopped and the noise of people shouting had died down, Bucky pushed open the container to allow daylight to meet them again.

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