chapter 23

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Ava had left Vienna shortly after they had arrived. Leaving the job of an agent for a while meant she didn't feel so bad about stealing a motorbike that had been parked on the street.

The day long drive meant she arrived in Bucharest just as daylight shone down onto the city. It seemed peaceful as she rode slowly past stalls and people beginning their day. Once Ava had been driving for ten minutes, she slowed and dumped the bike at the side of a pavement, deciding to continue on foot. The coordinates that Bucky's phone had sent had come from right where Ava stood now, not in a building like the map had suggested, but next to a market full of fresh produce. She walked over to the closest stall to her and noticed it was selling small sweets. Ava decided to buy a couple in the meantime and as she thanked the vendor she noticed a familiar voice coming from up ahead.

Looking along the stalls Ava noticed a fruit stand that had a wide selection of different types. She saw a man reach forward and hold up some plums, asking the vendor about them before grabbing six and smiling warmly in thanks. He turned to walk in her direction up the market and Ava stopped when she finally saw his face. Bucky peered along the shops as Ava quickly began walking away, trying to stay out of his sight. It turned out that Ava had reached a dead end of sorts and had no choice but to double back on herself if she wanted to leave. She had stayed out of sight on missions plenty of times, she just had to slip past Bucky once and then she was free to 'find' him again in a quieter place.

Looking to her left she saw Bucky scanning a stall and just as Ava was about to have succeeded he turned again, catching her eyes almost immediately. Ava tried to pretend like it hadn't happened and kept walking, not looking back for even a second as she turned to make her way to a lonely alley.

Trying to find a way to get onto the roofs her attention was taken as a hand wrapped around her wrist. She was about to shout but was silenced as another hand clamped over her mouth. She struggled as the force pushed her into an even smaller side alley before letting her go. Once Ava was free she tried lifting a hand to land a punch at the guy but her hand was stopped.

"Stop.. stop." The man spoke making Ava move so that she wasn't blocking the light source. Looking back at her was Bucky, eyebrow raised.

"Bucky? For gods sake." Ava sighed out as Bucky tried to smile at her.

"Always one to be startled." He remarked, before beginning to walk along the alleyway. Ava walked after him and was about to start asking questions when he stopped in his tracks and turned to her with evident concern on his face.

"Bucky, wha-"

"How did you know where I was? I never told you, you didn't answer my call. Who else is here with you? Did you bring Steve? My god if you-" Bucky began rambling as he looked around at the rooftops above them.

"Of course I didn't bring anyone! I promised you. It's just me." Ava placed a hand on his arm, trying to stop him suddenly being so overwhelmed.

"People break promises all the time. You told me Steve was looking for me, how would you know where in Europe I was if you didn't talk to Steve?" Bucky stopped looking up but the small amount of panic was still present.

"Steve stopped looking, people usually do when they get no results in a year. I tracked your phone when you called. You don't have any kind of hide on it at all, here.." Ava reached out to pick the visible phone out of his pocket. "Don't worry, this isn't an Avenger thing, just a normal security app.. there you go." She passed it back to him as he just kept looking at Ava.

"Thank you." Bucky pushed the phone back into his pocket as he continued walking, feeling calmer again. "Talk to me, I obviously have memories up to where I fell off the train, what's happened to you since?"

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