chapter 54

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"You're going to be okay, Ave. I promise, just two more minutes.. two more and I'll find you an ambulance."

Ava slowly began to come back to consciousness as the sound of Bucky's voice accompanied the rapid flashing lights that danced across her eyes. She opened them slowly, looking up to see Bucky slouched against a car. They were sat on the floor, Bucky with his legs out, Ava sat on his lap being held up by his arms.

"Oh my god, Ave." Bucky whispered as the already tight grip around Ava's shoulders was made tighter as he pulled her into him. Resting his head on her's, he began rubbing her arm gently as she grew more awake.

"Where are we?" She asked him, trying to look around.

"Oh, of course. Sam's over there, he's getting interviewed right now. We're sitting away from that because.. I'm sure you can imagine.. quite a lot of the ambulances are in use right now. We're safe now, though." Bucky began pointing as Ava smiled up at him.

"What about Sharon? Is she okay?" Ava suddenly remembered that they had been in a tunnel themselves.

"She will be. Karli managed to shoot her in the side, that's why you were able to be drugged, remember?" Bucky spoke calmly as Ava frowned, trying to remember.

"Was I there when Sharon was shot?"

"Yeah. Sharon told us that once Karli had managed to attack her, that she moved in on you next."

"I don't remember that.. at all." Ava spoke each word separately as she tried to think, but nothing was coming back.

"It's okay, all that matters now is that we're safe." Bucky stood up and pulled Ava up with him. Once she was able to stand by herself, Bucky leaned in as Ava lifted her hands to hold onto his face. Kissing him always made her feel free, and now that this mission was complete, they may finally be that.

"Oh.. hey, guys." Sharon broke them up as Ava turned to walk over to her.

"Are you okay?" She asked her as she noticed the blood dried onto her clothes.

"I'll be alright. What about you? I promise, I tried to stop Karli.."

"Don't worry about it. What's important is that we're all still alive." Ava pulled Sharon in for a hug as Sharon looped an arm around her back.

"Funny what a little drink can do." Sharon whispered as Ava just laughed along, not sure what it was referencing.

"I'll see you soon." Ava waved as Sharon began walking away. She turned back to Bucky, pecking him on the cheek before warming into his chest. "I love you."

"I love you too, Ave." Bucky smiled back as he lifted her off of the ground, moving his hands down to her lower back. It wasn't until Ava saw Sam walking towards them that she jumped out of Bucky's hold to run forward.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Ava yelled as Sam cheered back at her. "Looks like I'm going to have to start sharing my favourite super hero with a lot of other people."

"Looks like you will." Sam laughed back as he walked over to Bucky. "It's great to see you guys okay."

The three started talking and laughing as the thoughts of the days events slowly began to melt away. That was until a new sharp pain began spreading from Ava's stomach, causing her to wince slightly at the sensation. Looking down, she noticed blood was beginning to seep out onto her shirt. The conversation stopped as Ava felt Bucky holding onto her shoulder and quickly lifted up the bottom of her shirt to reveal a small hole in her side. He reacted swiftly, sitting her down on the ground as Sam ran off to find someone that could help.

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