chapter 4

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In the next moment, Ava felt Bucky's lips crash into hers as she smiled, the feeling of freeness like waves against her skin. He slipped his tongue into her mouth, tangling it with her own as she was lifted to lye on his bed.

Ava's hands slid down to his sides as she gripped for security against the rapid movements. It wasn't long until their breathing picked up and their body's started to grow restless out of pure need. Bucky's lips moved faster, picking up rhythm. His hand started tracing down Ava's body, ending at her hip before lifting the dress up slightly to sit just over her waist. The faster they went, the harder it was for them to keep the subtle control that had been contained to this point.

Suddenly, Bucky dove in towards Ava's neck as he kissed right under her jaw. She let out a gasp, processing the new feeling as it sent a slight jolt through her. It had been a long time since she'd had this kind of connection with someone.

His shoulder tipped her head up slightly as he buried his head into her neck, taking a pinch of skin into his mouth and sucking. The air began to grow heated as Ava gripped her legs against his hips, whining at the contact.

"God, Bucky-" She sighed as Bucky bit the skin, adding a slight sting to the already pleasurable feeling. Head digging into the crook of Ava's neck, she felt his breath grow heavy as he began to move away, tight grip on her hip never moving.

Ava tangled her fingers in his hair as she began kissing along his jawline, nimbly moving her fingers to move under Bucky's shirt as she did so. His own hand rubbed up and down her left leg, eventually landing on the thigh that was wrapped so closely to him. Ava stopped her own actions, lifting her hip up as a beg for contact. Once there was, Bucky began moaning into her lips as she successfully pulled the shirt up and over his slightly open mouth.

Her hand glided down to the tight space between their hips, right to the brown buckle on his belt. Bucky continued grinning into her neck as Ava's fingers swiftly pulled the strap out of the clasp with a slight tug. As she continued, Bucky's breathing grew heavier again as he started kissing her lightly.

"Ave-" He whispered as his own hands moved up to hold onto her back, fingers digging into the straps of her bra.

Shh..." Ava soothed, undoing the button of his wet trousers and unzipping them over the bulge that was now present. Bucky gently grazed his hand over the thin cotton of Ava's underwear, slipping the dress to be up and over her shoulders. He stifled out a heavy breath once the sight of her body was lit by the moonlight piling in through the window.

His hands glided to be slipped under the band of the underwear, tugging at it as his hips began grinding against hers. Keeping the gentle strokes over his tight briefs, Ava tipped her head back slightly as she allowed the feeling to spread through her legs. Heavy breathing and heavy eyes alerted her back from her moment of bliss as she began to slip down the briefs she had gripped on to.

She gently started moving her hand up and down his erection, not wasting a second in pulling Bucky's hands, begging him to take the thin layer of material between them away. As he did so, Ava felt herself moan slightly as the feeling of him in her hands shifted. She slid down in the bed to be further under him as the feeling of wet kisses on her collarbone forced her back to involuntarily arch. His lips met hers again as he smiled, almost sweetly if it wasn't for the position they were in.

"You sure about this?" Bucky asked through rugged breaths, hips twitching at the thought of what could come next.

"Please." Ava answered, squirming at the pause in their action. Bucky took one last glance down at her face before he pushed himself up between her legs. Ava moved her own thighs back and apart at the sensitivity, feeling the resistance as he slid inside of her. Sucking in a sharp breath, she grabbed ahold of his shoulders as he began moving in and out.

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