chapter 48

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The girl opened a door that led into a larger building, allowing Ava to see people mulling about inside.

"Karli's in there." Zemo told them as Sam began to walk forward to find her. John lunged forward and grabbed ahold of Zemo, pulling him back and handcuffing one of his wrists to the wall.

"Hey, you got ten minutes." John informed Sam as he stopped in his tracks in the doorway. "Then we're doing things my way."

"Aggressive." Zemo spoke sarcastically once his hands were tied behind his back. "But I get it."

After about five minutes of waiting, Ava began to grow restless. She had hoped she could have been the one to go and talk to Karli herself, there were some things she wanted to ask her.

"I want to go and talk to Karli." Ava spoke into the dead silence.

"What? What do you mean?" John asked her, frowning.

"It means I want to go and talk to her as well." Ava answered, not looking to meet his eyes. Actually, she wasn't looking up from the ground at all. She could feel Bucky staring at her, wether it was good or bad, she couldn't tell.

"I say you go." Zemo exclaimed making Ava look at him.

"I didn't expect that." She told him, eyebrow raised.

"What's the worst that could happen?"

"Ave.." Bucky started to talk but stopped when he walked over to just give her a hug, kissing the top of her head softly. "Be safe."

"I thought we agreed to never say that again." Ava smirked as she reached up to kiss him before turning to go the way Sam had disappeared to.

"It felt needed." Bucky whispered after she was gone.

Ava walked through the corridors, seeing people leaving the building, signalling the end of the funeral. She crept along a wall, stopping once she heard the sound of Sam talking.

"It doesn't have to be a war, Karli."

"They started a war as soon as they kicked us out of our new homes and onto the street. People all around the world need me. Millions of them." A girl's voice now spoke making Ava assume that this was Karli.

"Right, I can't speak for millions, but I understand you." Sam was managing to stay calm as he continued talking to her. "I understand your frustration. I understand your helplessness."

"So you want me to stop because people are getting hurt, right? But, Sam, what if I'm making the world a better place?"

"It can't be a better place if you're killing people." Ava stepped out from her hiding spot causing Sam's eyes to go wide in shock. "Hello, Karli."

"So you didn't come alone." Karli glared at Sam as she jumped off the box she had been sat on, getting ready to run. That was before she paused, looking Ava straight in the eye. "You're Ava, right? I've always wanted to meet you."

"I'd like to ask you some questions."

"And I you, but you can go first." Karli motioned for Ava to move closer into the light. Ava gulped, nervous about the conversation that was about to begin.

"When you injected.. I'm guessing that's how you did it.. when you injected the Super Soldier Serum, what did it feel like?" Ava asked Karli, who stood with a smirk now on her face.

"Av-" Sam held up a hand, confused at what Ava was trying to achieve here.

"No, it's okay." Karli told him, turning her gaze to Ava. "It hurt, a lot. It was like a burning, like-"

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