chapter 6

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Ava watched the familiar streets of Brooklyn pass by as she looked out the window of the car. A change of plans had meant that no more tests were going to take place, and the scientist had made his mind up who would be picked to first try the serum. Fortunately, he had chosen Steve, which was no surprise to Ava at all. Steve, unlike the other recruits, had used his brain and compassion in the tasks instead of just charging through to the next step. Ava had been excited about this part of the experiment for ages, but now that it was Steve who had been picked to get the first shot, she did have a slight worry.

In the back of the car she could hear Steve pointing out all the alleys and streets he had been beaten up in before. It turned out nearly every bend there was Steve had been in some kind of fight. He just kept adding to the list as the car moved forward before Peggy stopped him.

"Did you have something against running away?" She asked, not actually turning to look at him, but listening intently. Steve just shook his head frantically before turning his head to look at her for a moment.

"You start running, they'll never let you stop. You stand up, push back. Can't say no forever, right?" he continued to look at the streets where he'd gained many a black eye.

"I know a little of what that's like. To have every door shut in your face." Peggy agreed with Steve and flicked her eyes a little to meet his.

"I guess I just don't why you'd wanna join the army if you're a beautiful dame. Or a beautiful.. a woman. An agent, not a dame! You are beautiful, but.." Steve tried to say as Ava let out a giggle at his attempt of speaking to Peggy.

"You have no idea how to talk to a woman, do you?" Peggy asked Steve as a small smile appeared on her face.

"This is the longest conversation I've had with one.. other than Ava.. if she counts. Women aren't exactly lining up to dance with a guy they might step on." Steve said before looking down at his hands.

"You must have danced?" Peggy questioned him softly as Ava giggled yet again, earning her a short scowl from the other girl.

"Well, asking a woman to dance always seems so terrifying. And the past few years just didn't seem to matter that much. Figured I'd wait." Steve answered, not taking his eyes away from his hands. Making Ava turn round in her seat now to join the conversation.

"Me and Bucky have set you up with numerous people before, you just never tried to show them you were interested.. at all." Ava smirked as she raised an eyebrow to the man behind her.

"Yeah, because you and Bucky were always looking out for me and definitely not just trying to go dancing yourselves." He smirked back, causing Ava to scoff and turn back round in her seat, cheeks flushed pink, accepting that he'd won this time.

"For what?" Peggy asked Steve as the car pulled in front of the shop Ava knew well by now.

"Sorry?" Steve looked confused as he tried to think of what she could be asking.

"You said you'd wait. For what?" She enquired again. Steve moved his head around a bit, breaking their eye contact.

"For the right partner." He mumbled as he peered out at the antiques store they'd stopped at. Ava saw Peggy smile at the response as she motioned for Steve to leave the vehicle, before joining the other two as they made their way down the street.

"What are we doing here?" Steve asked Peggy, still clueless as to why he'd been taken away to some random street in Brooklyn. Ava flashed a smile as she kept walking, excited to see Steve's face when he finally knew why they were here. He'd told her that the scientist had picked him just this morning, but was struggling to put two and two together as the buildings passed them.

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