chapter 51

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"Hey there, stranger." Ava spoke to Bucky as he sat on the edge of a wall. "Did you find what you were looking for?"

"If you mean Zemo, then yes." Bucky answered as he moved his head to lye on Ava's.

"I mean whatever you want it to mean." She answered, watching some birds fighting ahead. "I've been told we have to just chill out, how does that sound?" She reached forward to hold one of Bucky's hands, spinning the ring on his finger.

"It sounds nice." Bucky murmured back and Ava could feel him smiling against her hair, making her laugh a little herself. "What?"

"It's just nice to feel you be a bit happier again, like what it was before Walker." Ava told him, pulling his head up to hold in her hands.

"I love you, Bucky, I really do." She pushed her forehead against his, planting small kisses onto his nose.

"I love you too, Ave. More than you'll ever know." Bucky turned his head to kiss her on the lips.

"Sam's invited me to go and stay with him and his sister while we lay low, would you join?" Ava asked him, very aware that the two didn't always get on as well.

"I sometimes think you forget we're married, Ave. I'll come see.. I actually have something for him. Who knows, maybe life out of the city would be good for us." Bucky smiled as he fell down off of the wall, landing on his feet and lifting his arms up for Ava, lifting her down after him.

"Good for you." She winked, before laughing warmly at Bucky. "Come on, it's time to rest."


The sea breeze made Ava sigh as herself and Bucky walked hand in hand along the dock. People bustled about, looking at boats and selling produce. Along the way, Ava noticed Sam talking to two other men.

"There he is." Bucky pointed out as they made their way closer. It was obvious upon arrival that they were about to attempt to lift something heavier, that could very easily be moved by the man beside Ava. She nudged Bucky, motioning for him to help the others out. Bucky stepped forward and lifted the supplies up and off the truck, causing Sam and the men to stop their talk as they watching him. "You're welcome." Bucky told them as he picked up the case Ava has seen him carrying since the wall. "I called in a favour from the Wakandans."

The interaction was interrupted when a pipe began hissing from behind Sam. He jogged over to it and began trying to tighten it to no avail as Bucky tapped Ava's arm to walk past, ready to help him. Ava herself moved over to stand beside who she thought may be Sarah, Sam's sister.

"Hey, I'm Ava." Ava smiled at her, causing the woman to look away from the scene to her.

"I'm Sarah. It's nice to meet you, Sam's told me a lot." Sarah exclaimed making Ava laugh.

"Hopefully good things." She half joked, hoping Sarah didn't have any bad thoughts about her before they'd even met.

"All good things." Sarah answered, turning her shoulders back to see that Bucky was now taking charge of the situation. "I imagine it's helpful to have him around."

"Like you wouldn't imagine." Ava smiled at the sight of the pipe fixed and the two now talking. She stepped away from Sarah to join the two down by the ship. "You definitely staying now?" She whispered to Bucky once Sam had walked away.

"Oh, yeah." Bucky smiled back, looking genuinely happy to be here. In a sudden movement, he lifted her up of the ground and began jogging through the docks, allowing Ava to tie her hair up and out of his face. They both began laughing once they found a quieter spot away from everyone else, sitting back against some crates as they looked out over the sea.

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