chapter 44

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// this is the first chapter where i would say the song plays a crucial part to the feel - enjoy //

Madripoor would have been the place of Ava's dreams if she was unaware of the darkness within.

There was something about the lights which made her feel like she was at a forever party. The busy noise of people below that would normally make her feel dread was fuelling her, giving her confident energy. Wether that was the persona Zemo had made for her to act out, or the mad amount of pressure feeding off of Bucky walking closely behind her, she didn't know.

"Here we are." Zemo told the others as they entered the bar. It was packed full of people drinking concoctions Ava had never even seen before, and as they neared the centre of the room, she saw the taps which the drink had flowed from.

"Ready to comply.." Zemo spoke out to the room in Russian, obviously trying to turn some heads. "Winter Soldier?"

Almost instantly, Ava felt the stares from those around her. She physically had to push Bucky back as he started to grow a little to close for the situation. Whispers of the Winter Soldier grew around the bar as they continued their passage through. It was true that even here, he had made a mark.

"Hello, gentlemen." The bartender greeted them. "Lady. Wasn't expecting you, Smiling Tiger."

"His plans changed. We have business to do with Selby." Zemo answered for Sam.

"The usual?" Sam was asked, making him nod his head curtly. The bartender got to work, pulling a snake from a jar before gutting it in front of them. Ava tried to not looked too shocked as she watched the rest of the drink being prepared.

"Ah, Smiling Tiger, your favourite." Zemo spoke to Sam, obviously enjoying the discomfort this moment was bringing him. Sam was passed the shot, and Ava watched as he mentally prepared himself to down it.

"I love these." Sam exclaimed as he lifted the drink up.

"Cheers, comrade." Zemo clinked their glasses together as a second bartender passed Ava a small glass of something. She thanked them and was about to join the others in a drink when she felt a short tap on her thigh.

Looking to her right, she saw Bucky staring right at her, not saying a word. She screwed up her face before turning back around, it wasn't like she had never drank before. But as she raised the glass once more, Bucky once again nudged her leg, causing Ava to put the glass down. She took another glance to see Bucky had relaxed, whilst still keeping the Winter Soldier stare. A man walked up behind Ava as they all turned to meet him.

"I got word from on high. You ain't welcome here." He told Zemo, making Ava flick her eyes to see his reaction.

"I have no business with the Power Broker, but if he insists, he can either come here and talk to me.." Zemo paused in his explanation to point to Bucky.

"New haircut?" The man asked him, only to be met with the cold stare that had been plastered on Bucky's face since entry.

"Or bring Selby for a chat." Zemo finished his sentence as the man took a final look over the group and left.

"A power broker, really?" Ava asked Zemo as he turned back around to face the bar.

"Every kingdom needs its king. Let's just pray we stay under his radar."

"Do you know him?" Sam also questioned.

"Only by reputation. In Madripoor, he is judge, jury and executioner." Zemo stopped when he saw another man cam towards them, stepping closer to Ava. He held out a hand and began toying her face around like it was a type of prize as Ava stood still in fear, not wanting to put a toe out of line. She could sense Bucky growing more aggravated by the second, but his part meant he had no say in the matter. The man's hand moved down to scoop around her waist, pulling her away from the bar slightly as her eyes widened.

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