chapter 12

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Inside the jet, Ava looked around to see multiple fighter planes with places written on them. Boston. Chicago. New York.

She shivered at the sight before freezing as the sound of footsteps began running their way. She noticed a crate in the corner and crouched behind it, pointing her gun in the door's direction. It was pushed open and Ava was about to fire when Steve swung from the ceiling to kick one of the men to the ground. Another turned and took out a knife as he began advancing in on Steve. Ava continued to fire at those coming from behind them as she monitored her friend at all times. Steve quickly tore the blade away from the pilot and threw it toward another as he tried to make it to his plane.

There were now more pilots making their way through, but as Ava tried to get a clear shot, Steve would always move just as she was about to fire. Taking in the fact that it was now too risky to fight back, she watched helplessly as Steve continued to fight the oncoming attackers. What Ava did see, though, was a control panel. As she crept towards it, she noticed one of the men trying to slip into the Chicago plane.

With a swift click of a button, the plane was thrown out into the sky before the pilot had been ready, making him fall out of the jet after it. Steve picked up one of the pilots he was currently fighting and threw him in the hole's direction, watching him disappear with the wind. There was one they had missed, though, and Ava watched as Steve jumped on top of the plane and began attempting to break the cockpit with his shield. He was tackled by yet another soldier, which allowed the pilot to finish getting the plane ready for takeoff.

Ava watched as the plane began to fall, but still with Steve and the extra pilot on it. She ran forward to look down at the scene as the plane nosedived. Steve slipped down as the plane was pulled back up to gain some altitude, causing the extra pilot to fall back into the propellor. The plane flew above the jet, causing Ava to now lose sight of Steve and the aircraft.

The sound of gunshots rang out as Ava just squeezed her eyes shut and tried to hear the noise of the plane's propellers over the explosions. Suddenly, an enormous crash could be heard from behind Ava, causing her to turn around, eyes wide. Steve clambered out of the plane and ran towards Ava and his shield.

"Oh my god, are you alright?" Ava asked him as he slid the shield around onto his back.

"Just great. Come on, we've got a mission to complete." Steve nodded at Ava as he started jogging in the door's direction.

"Let's go kick some ass, Steven." Ava replied as she began jogging after the super soldier. She saw Steve up ahead and stopped when he help a finger up to his lips, telling her to be quiet. He slowly pushed the door to the control room open and peered inside to hopefully find Schmidt. Steve crept forward as Ava raised her gun and followed him through the door. Steve held his hand up to try and shield his eyes from the sun as he looked to see if anyone was sitting in the pilot seat. A humming noise rang out from behind Ava as Steve jumped in front of her and held up his shield. Ava looked around the side of it to see Schmidt holding up a gun at the pair.

He grinned, pulling a syringe from his pocket and holding it up, the contents of which were unknown. Schmidt lunged towards the two as Ava readied herself for the attack, gun still raised. He aimed the needle at Steve, who managed to dodge the swipe, causing the motion to carry forward as the needle punctured Ava's skin. She screamed as the pressure of the liquid began to shoot into her veins, clawing at Schmidt as he just grinned at the wasted product.

"Ava!" Steve shouted as he crouched down to meet her. All Ava could feel was a burning, a deep pain like nothing she had felt before. Just as hot tears were about to escape her eyes, the pain stopped. She felt almost cold as her body cooled to the temperature of the room once more, a dizziness spreading to her head as she regained a focus other than pain. Steve had since stood up from her side, ready to protect her.

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