chapter 3

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Once Ava and Bucky were tired of dancing, they retook their seats at the bar. Seeing as it was late, many people had already left the hall, meaning that it was quiet enough for conversation to happen without the constant need to shout.

"You will write to me, won't you? You and Steve." Bucky enquired as he reached forward to give Ava's hand a small rub.

"Of course I will. I'd be an awful friend not to and you know it." She answered and met Bucky with a reassuring smile.

"Good.. good." He sighed and put his head in his hands. "It just sucks that I won't be able to see either of you. As much as I hated seeing Steve risk being caught, it was always a nice thought that he'd be able to come with me, you know?"

"Yeah, I know, but you'll be able to make new friends. Maybe even some new best ones." Ava tried to add helpfully.

"Ave, don't even try that one. No one could ever replace you and Steve." Bucky smiled back at her attempt to make it seem alright.

"I never said replace, I just meant to add on." Ava laughed back while flicking her hair.

"I like my two." Bucky just added shortly. He pushed himself off of his seat and held out a hand for Ava to take. She placed her hand in his and pulled herself off the stool as she walked beside Bucky.

They kept conversation up about random things, childhood memories, plans. Just keeping the positivity up for as long as possible. Suddenly, the sound of chatter and drunken laughs filled the air as a group of men walked in the pair's direction. Ava couldn't make out clear words and even if they were shouting, she probably wouldn't have heard them, they were so slurred.

As they were getting closer she started hearing the odd phrase like 'brunette' and 'red dress' making her feel uncomfortable quickly. Bucky picked up on the change in her body language and looked ahead to see the group. He frowned before looking down at Ava to see her chewing on her lip to calm her nerves. Without thinking, he placed an arm around her, making Ava's attention break from the men ahead to look up at him with a thankful smile.

The arm was almost like a bubble. The men noticed it instantly and took a step out to show that they meant no harm. Once they had passed, Ava let out a slight sigh before wriggling out of Bucky's hold, though to her surprise, he didn't let go. Ava gave him a questioning look but was only met with Bucky looking straight forward, a proud smirk on his face.

"How did you make them leave me alone? Did you give them evils or something?" Ava asked her friend while nudging his side to make him look at her.

"What can I say, I guess I'm like a superhero." Bucky said before thinking and laughing. "Got them laser eyes, doll." He added, causing Ava to let out a scoff as well, content again.

Steve and Bucky's apartment came up first on the journey and as they turned to walk through the door, Ava stopped, getting ready to say goodbye. Just as she was about to speak, Bucky turned round with a confused look on his face.

"Why have you stopped?" He asked whilst opening the front door.

"Bucky, I don't live here, remember?" Ava answered, giving him a questioning smile.

"I know it's just, I thought it would be nice for you to stay after how well tonight went." Bucky said, looking at Ava like this was the obvious option to take.

"I don't have any clothes here, they're all back at my place."

"You could always just sleep in your dress." Bucky stated which caused Ava to tilt her head to the side.

"I'm not sleeping in this. Let me just go back to mine and grab some stuff and I'll come back quickly, I promise." She said before reaching out to push the man into the house before it got cold. "I'll see you soon."

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