The magic realm (part 10/ Final)

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............ I know this is a rushed ending. But it's over. That's all that matters. Finally time for one shots again. YEAH.
I hope it's not too bad. But hey. It's free. You have paid me time you will never get back. HAHAHAHA.
It really hope it was worth it XD was it?


There is a certain misconception about relationships.

We all have thoughts we never talk about. Not for a lack of trust (not necessarily), but for a lack of time. Or – as it is in most cases – a lack awareness.

Every time someone explains themselves, they will forget something they ought to mention.
Sometimes it's something unimportant. Sometimes, it's a vital part of an argument.
Fact is, there is always something missing.

This doesn't just count for discussions, it also counts for buying things, for getting a job, for briefings, for everything really.
There is always information we lack to mention. That we forget to tell, or that has been forgotten to be given. Or that we eventually have to learn with time.

This phenomena happens, because we're human. And we can't process or recall everything that's going on in our mind at once.

This is the reason, why comments like: "what you did was stupid", or "you should have known" or similar criticism isn't really helping anyone. People just feel bad for not knowing stuff.
Or forgetting things – or simply – for having gotten used to something so much, you don't realize it was a factor at all.

Often, when someone is exposed to such comments a lot, they tend to end up over explaining themselves, or asking too many questions. The person will often find themselves in a situation, where they feel they are annoying to everyone around them.
This phase is often either worked through, or driven to a point, where the person in question stops talking altogether. Realizing that no matter how much they say, people won't really understand anyway.

They are not wrong. People often lack the sense to understand precisely what you mean.
I think that's important to know when you look at another person.
You can resolve part of the issue, by listening.

I think, what we often have to learn is, that it's okay that we can be overly compassionate in our self expression. As long as we open our ears for others as well.
It's okay to not be understood and it's okay not to understand 100%.

The truest form of understanding is – in my opinion – trust.
We marvel at the sight of two figures, who apparently know each other so well, they don't HAVE to communicate to understand each other.
The truth is, that's not even the case. That's not what their relationship IS on the fundamental level.

The truth is, those people look at each other and decide to trust that the other person believes in the decision they make. And if they don't, they will confide in each other and discuss the topic.
It's knowing, that the other person can be uncertain, maybe lacks knowledge, and be understanding of THAT.
It's the conviction, that the other person is willing to forgive your mistakes, and be there for you to figure things out. It's knowing you can tell each other everything, without fearing to be judged or manipulated. It's knowing that you don't owe each other an explanation or information on things you're not comfortable with. It's knowing that the other person is understanding of that and therefore deserving of the knowledge. You can tell them, because you don't have to.

This isn't a trait reserved for the ultimate lovers couple.
Quite the contrary.

This is a trait most often found in friendships. This is why friendships are often longer lasting than romantic or sexual relationships.
And this is, why people underestimate the worth and depth of friendships.
Because they don't think friendships can be this intense.

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