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This chapter is unedited, will be fixing any error tomorrow night

The video attached inspired this chapter, and even thought it is a song in Portuguese, the lyrics down is the translation for it.


Come over later, it hasn't been easy today

Just bring me flowers, you know I give it in

Let me on top, you bet bottom

Now look at me, let me put it in


Saturday was as calm as my life could ever be living in the chaotic mindset that I live in. The so important meeting was to discuss what never had crossed their minds, the fact that the boys and I just might end up getting along.

Understandable because I was actually never supposed to get past a brief meeting. I personally didn't even know I was meeting them until my father invited me to the studio, which turned into a 6 plus hours at the studio getting to know them and their music.

So the meeting was to establish this friendship, how to move with it, and how to deal with the media. As hard it was to keep the project a secret, it would be 10 times harder to keep this new friendship, because different from my father, we didn't have to get along, it just happened, he doesn't have to spend time with them if it's not necessary, while I enjoy hanging out with them, and besides Sabrina, they brought me closer to normality than any other person in my life, while knowing who I was and being in the same world.

In that conference room with their management team, lawyers and our lawyers, the big people talked while we listened. The press was already up on their asses for them to release some information, and while keeping the project a secret was hard, it was harder to stay away from the questions that involved me.

Seeing me walk out of the same club as they were in, twice in a week, and fans catching me at their concert last night, seemed to be bigger for the tabloids than the rumors of my father producing their next album.

And after 2 hours trying to figure out the best way to approach the situation, the best thing was to conform the friendship, that way the media would focus on us, me, instead of my father and their next album. With that we came up with a story of how we all met to tell who ever was to ask in the future, it being paparazzis or during an interview.

Once the meeting was over, I rushed to say bye to everyone, wanting to hurry to my room and clean up the mess I had left before having to leave the hotel to meet with Sabrina at our apartment.

My procrastination after a head first fall like last night, would appear once I looked around the room and saw the damage made by the devils that lived inside of me. There are always broken glasses all over the floor, sheets all over the room except where it's supposed to be, covering the bed.

And while I wish I could just walk back out of the room, order room service, go by my day and come back with a clean room, that would never be possible, not even at my own house, I always get it clean up, back to its perfection, before the maids would go inside to clean. No one is supposed to see that side of me, to them, to anyone that wasn't myself, I was a happy living sunflower.

But the procrastination didn't live long inside of me, there were more important things in my head that needed to be done, and it could only be solved once the room was clean.

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