34. SEP 21ST part 2

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they hold on tight
Them lips won't let me go
Lips won't let me go, lips won't let me go,


The events of today mostly definitely wore me off, because after the melt down in the bathroom, Harry took me with him to his fitting and while he changed into a few different outfits I drifted off on the couch. I was exhausted from the flight, the overtaking from the event last night, and everything that was laid on the table this morning.

I have never been in a position like this before. I have never been with someone other than Timothy, and this whole situation confuses me, because while the two of them have nothing in common, Timothy is the only reference I have from this kind of thing.

And it scares me. It scares me how easily I am drawn to Harry, how easily I was able to let him see me in stages nobody has ever seen me before. It scares me the possibility of reaching a point where he will find me unconscious, but prehab's what truly scares me is the possibility of reliving that one moment, or multiple moments I have lived in the hands of Timothy.

I know Harry is kind, caring, and has a big heart, but so did Timothy.

But I have come to accept that I want this, probably it is more of a need than a want.

The way my body reacts when Harry is around, the way it was so easy to open a door for him to come in, or how no matter how hard I try to get away, the harder it becomes and the easier I am found next to him. Maybe that must count for a reason, because not even in the 15 years I have known Timothy, or the 3 years we have dated, I felt the comfort I feel with Harry.

My body was so exhausted with everything that happened in the last 20 hours, that I slept for over 2 hours and woke up in my hotel room bed, with the door that separated Sabrina's and I room opened.

Sabrina told me everyone tried to wake me up at the arena, but I wouldn't wake up, they kind of freaked out and called my dad, who then told them I was a heavy sleeper and if anything could have caused my body to reach exhaustion I wouldn't wake up anytime soon. She said Harry picked me up and took me to the car, where they thought I would wake up but clearly didn't.

She mention

"You wouldn't let go of Harry. He was supposed to just put you in the car, but when he tried to let go, you tighten your arms around him, so he had to ride with us"

"I don't remember anything, past following asleep on the couch" I said, rubbing my eyes, still trying to fully wake up from my long nap.

"Clearly you don't. He carried you out from the car here, and you only let go after he whispered something in your ear" As she said that my face completely changed, trying to see if I could find anything in my subconscious that maybe remembered what he said.

I looked down to the white comforter with frown brows.

Thinking of the dream I had in which included Harry, he did say something out of contest to the dream I was having.

We were laying in bed. it was, maybe early in the day or not past 4 pm, because it was still bright out. He had his back to the balcony and the light from the sun was really making him glow. We were talking about something that I can't really remember, but I felt content with a smile plastered on my face while literal butterflies flew out of my stomach, but all of that didn't last long because he had to go somewhere.

'You know I did love to lay here with you forever but Sabrina is standing right there and I know you wouldn't like that'

The second he said that I looked to the corner of the room to find nothing but an empty space, and when I turned back to look at Harry, he was gone. After that I don't really remember dreaming of anything.

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