03. AUG 13TH part 2

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This chapter is a bit longer than I expected it to be, with 5100 words, but there are some necessary information that will be important for you to know later on.


    I am not quite sure yet of what I wanna do with my life, I know I love music, from turning one single word into a story telling song, producing every beat to releasing an album. I know I love poetry, I love every form of art, but I don't know what I wanna do, I wanna do it all, but I also just wanna be that person that sits inside the booth and play the shit out of a drum, until I lose a drumstick or make a whole into the toms. And if I wasn't terrified of crowds, I would have definitely made into the school band, then into college band, I just love my drums, and drumline is definitely my favorite movie, let me be Devon Miles AKA Nick Cannon.

    This program, this art program that I got accepted into, is supposed to help me find my career, help me figure out if music, following the Carlisle steps is what I am destined to do.

    "SABRINA..." Once she answered the facetime call, I quickly screamed her name of excitement, while placing my computer on top of the bathroom counter. "...  you won't believe who I met yesterday?" I turn on the shower, letting the cold water run down the drain, while it becomes warm.

    "Prince Harry" She showed the same energy I was giving her, and that is why we are friends.

    "ugh Sabrina, he is old and gonna get bold just like his brother, but anywho, no. I  was at the garden this hotel has, and one of the members of that boy band, One direction, was there...

    "No way" she interrupted me excitedly, but I kept going.

    "Yes way"  WIth the speaker of my computer on its louders, I left it still on the counter of the bathroom, while I went back to the room to pick an outfit for the day.

"How does he look ? Do you know each one it was, or his name?" I could hear her giving me a questioner from the opposite side of the room.

"Hmm, I don't know his name, but he is good looking with dark hair, very defined...:" I wasn't even able to finish my description of the guy.

"Zayn, ugh he is so adorable" I think this is a good time to mention that Sabrina doesn't know who my parents are, and much less about the fact that my father is working, that I had just found out it was One direction.

    Sabrina is very artistic, while we are going to the same program, she will be studying fine arts, but when it comes to music she has her own bubble, and doesn't really know much about producers and those type of people, so when she first met my father on facatime, I then realized she didn't know who he was besides being my father, and I liked that idea, of people liking me for me and not because of who my parents are.

    "Yah, I looked them up, because last time I saw them was at that show, and they weren't this good looking" I placed my outfit on top of the bed before heading back to the bathroom, where by now the water would be warm.

    "YESSS, I know, Adriana, you have been missing out... But I have to go now, we will talk later" because she lives in Australia, this is how we usually talk, but we mostly text because of the time zone.

    "OK, dutos"

    From factime to spotify, bathing suit to fashionable outfit, an hour and 20 minutes later, I am fully ready, from head... Not exactly head to toe, but from Hair to Jordans. The most basic but effective outfit, black and white jordans on my feet, cargo pants, black top and a hoodie just if it gets chill later tonight, and for the studio, because if you are not aware those places are just like Walmart, always freezing cold.

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