09. AUG 15TH part 4

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"They don't know who we are" I threw into the air, the statement, while in the car with my dad, on our way to the restaurant.

"What do you mean?" My father asked, while scrolling through his phone, still doing work.

"I never told Sabrina about our background" I explained my statement. "She doesn't know you are who you are, and now we are gonna get to the restaurant with a bunch of paps waiting for us"  He finally looks at me.

Mike was driving my father and I to the restaurant 20 minutes before our reservation, so I could make sure everything was set properly and if there were paparazzis, Sabrina and family wouldn't know it's for us.

"sweetheart, she is going to like you no matter what, you guys have been friends for almost a year, she knows you for who you truly are and not the status you have" He throws in some comforting words.

"I just want to feel normal -

"Unfortunately this is our normal, we will never be able to be the normal you want to be"

"I know" I murmured, understanding but not resigned to the situation.

Growing up, this is all I have known this is how I thought everyone lived for a period of my childhood, but once I hit the age where I wasn't just a little girl anymore and understood more than what was placed in front of my eyes, I begin to realize, not everyone had a life like ours, with paparazzis at our gate waiting for my parents to come out, award events on weekends and flying around the world for shows.

I think I was 8 when I realized that my friends uncles and aunties weren't part of the music or film industry, that their family members worked in a bank and not performing on stage around the world.

I was 12 when I realized that while everyone had a pretty privileged life like mine, their lives weren't exposed to the public eyes like mine. And while we all grew up in stakes of cash,  they easily paid their way into getting anything, my way for that wasn't money, it was simply my name, as if my name was plested in a badge that said full access to any and every single thing you could imagine.

But I think the cherry on top of the cake, when I fully understood that my life wasn't normal, that my friends outside of school weren't normals neither, was the end of summer 09, coming back to school, with all the girls wanting to know how I knew Justin and if they could meet him too. At that time I was already friends with justin for over a year, and I didn't understand their obsession over him, because from day one I could only see him as a brother I never had.

That same summer was when I began going to teen awards, parties and events, I began my social life and so I understood that I was born into that life and there was not much I could do about it, besides embrace it and take advantage of the sweet times.

"Here we are Sr" Mike announced our arrival, soon getting out of his driver seat and walking around the car to get the door, so my father and I could get out.

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