10. AUG 15TH part 5

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His lips finally met mine own, with his right hand on the back of my neck, pulling me closer to him, as if there was any space or way for us to be any closer.

Our lips moved in synchrony as if they had done this before, with each other, they moved in pairs, dancing in each other's lips by a song they both knew the choreography. His lips were like clouds, or of what I thought clouds felt like, soft like a baby's butt, sweet like cotton candy, the ones that quickly dissolve once in contact with your mouth, but instead of dissolving in my mouth, our lips fought for dominance, and his tongue moved in control, taste of heaven it felt like.

My legs are still around his waist, he holds one of them with his left hand, pulling my upper back with his right hand that was still holding the back of the neck. He held me pulling me away from the top of the sink, walking away from where it all started, still with his lips against mine, with intensity being built up, he pressed my body against the wall.

And for the first time my right foot met the floor, still with my left leg around his waist, keeping his body against mine, in compression, feeling his member raise a bit, making mine own papulate with the touch.

My lips lost the touch of his, but he didn't lose the touch of my skin, tracing wet kisses down my neck, building up the tension.

"Think about Adriana Moore" I needed to feel his lips against mine, I needed to not only remember or think of what had or hadn't happened last night.

I needed to know, have a certain of what his touch tasted like against mine own.

And so they meet, moving in syncrony like from my memory, and the taste, if it wasn't from the chicken , I would say it was in the cotton candy in the clouds. I was in the clouds, losing the few cells I had control over, for a boy I knew nothing about, but surely was wanted by every girl our age.

I could kiss them lips until the end of times, but a break was needed, a pause into reality, into our sad reality. I let go of his lips, but before it was too far away, I bit his bottom lip, opening my eyes to see an angel in peace with his landing on earth.

"Moore?" He whispered in a question form, opening his lake green eyes to meet my own.

"My mother's last name was Moore, I have both, so when I don't want to be recognized as the Daughter of Edward Carlisle or Granddaughter of William Caslisle, I pretend to be somebody else, I use Adriana Moore" I explain rubbing my hands on to his chest gently, staring at the motion my hands were making.

My voice was so low that it could be considered a whisper. His hands on my waist, he rubbed his thumbs against my skin, the touch was delicate, it was warm, bringing comfort to the both of us.

"I like it" He takes his right hand off my waist, bringing up to my cheeks, cupping my face. He took control pulling me closer to having our lips meet again.

It was slow, calm, like there was no time on the clock and we were stuck in the moment for as long as we pleased. And again our lips danced, around each other, but this time no need to fight for power, they shared the dance floor.

It was warm and welcoming. I could find myself kissing those cloud lips until there was no more, or until the first drop of rain fell, and it fell, the sky dropped rain in the city, as if it was the first rain after a dry season. It was heavy and every second we stayed there, laying on the grass kissing the more wet we got.

"UGH" We parted lips once the world fell into us, a world of water.

We quickly got up, looking around and seeing everyone running to look for any dry place to hide. Harry held my hand, pulling me from where we stood, into the street we had come from.

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