32. SEP 20TH

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No because this chapter is too cute, and the way Adriana is slowly opening up.... heart melting


It's not your fault I ruin everything
And it's not your fault I can't be what you need
Baby, angels like you can't fly down hell with me


The weekend ended up better than expected, way better than expected. But reality comes and I am faced with the double amount of people staring at me as I made my way through campus this week as from last week and 4 times that for the week before. People are fully catching on it and while I can walk through campus without paparazzis, since the university and my grandfather filed a restraining order to keep them away from campus property, I still get random people trying to be sneaky about it and randomly record me walking to class or just sitting by a three talking to Sabrina.

They think I don't see them, but I do and scrolling through twitter at the end of the day, there I am staring dead into their phone, one, two, three, too many pictures of me randomly staring into some weirdo's phone.

My song has gotten more listeners than I expected. In 24 hours I had over 20 thousand plays, by Monday night I reached 100 thousand, Wednesday 4 times that, and the feedback is beyond anything I have expected.

When I told papa I wanted to release it on SoundCloud, I never told him I had a bit of a following already, under the name Abby Moore. I created this account ages ago, where I would do mashups or random covers, never with my name or anything related to my family, but I have grown a following on the platform, and I am sure that got me the first couple thousand listeners, but again I never thought it would reach almost half a million in less than a week.

The feedbacks are unbelievable but the comments and amount of people saying how much they can relate to it, how it reminds them of a loved one, or have created their own story with my song, this, this is the reason I didn't want to sell my song, or put a face to it, because they wouldn't have had the same reaction, they would just want to know my story behind it.

It's Thursday, and I decided to stay in London this weekend since I was supposed to come back Saturday morning and ended up staying until Sunday last flight. So I am making up, and staying the entire weekend, with no business phone calls from papa or Britney, or dad asking for help with the boys album.

This weekend is for the girls, the wine, the pizza and the romance movies. This entire week is for just Sabrina and I. Monday we had a little spa date, on my grandfather for the successful single release that nobody knows about, got our nails and hair done. On  Tuesdays we treated ourselves to a nice dinner, in which we got fully ready for, with hair and makeup done and two beautiful dresses to match the restaurant's vibe. Wednesday was Sabrina's pick. She booked a painting class for the both of us, and it was fantastic, very funny after we filled ourselves with red wine and cheese, her painting was, of course, perfect, mine, well let's say it wasn't comparable to hers, and the night ended with us watching This is us on tv from an illegal website we found, because Sabrina was feeling that nostalgic.

This morning I am woken up by my notifications from every social media blowing up, to find the video Sabrina tweeted has gone viral and it was in every blog. The video was from the app booth of her computer, and us recording ourselves dancing and singing to midnight memories drunk of our asses.

*Wait, they actually look like fun people*

*Okay, maybe I see what Harry saw on her*

*I still don't get why she is hanging out with the boys*

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