18. AUG 27TH

848 9 33


I'm on some kinda drug, can't explain
All the ways you get me high

Since the last time we had sex, honestly, I've been a mess




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RADIO 91.02 FM

Have you guys seen the pictures of this afternoon? Adriana Carlisle and Harry Styles grabbing lunch together, and let me tell you, they did not seem shy or were even trying to hide the fact that they were together.

Did you see Adriana's tweet?

the one about the fans?

Yes, how cute?

Sooo cute.

But let's talk about how her first appearance after being a ghost for almost 2 years is nowhere other than One Direction new movie premier, this is us, not only that she was also seen at their London show last week and clubbing with the band.

twice that same week

Do you guys think there is something for us to talk about? Is this the newest couple?

they look like a power couple

I am so here for it.


This past week has been completely different from the previous week, my father was in Los Angeles for the week and the boys were somewhere promoting their new movie. The week has been calm and less chaotic, the paparazzis weren't around my apartment building, mainly because I haven't left the building for anything other than going to the gym.

Without my father around and things to do, this week has been pretty slow, staying at home all day, organizing a few things around the place, getting used to having Sabrina around, and spending a significant amount of time with her, where I am learning more and more about her and her little obsessions.

She had me watch the whole session of x factor, the one One Direction was in, also almost every interview she could find of them. I would say it does get annoying hearing her talk so much about them and seeing her trying to get all these information inside my brain, but it's funny seeing her obsess over them and sing along to every song, literally giving me a full on performance in the living room.

On Friday when we finished the last episode of X factor, I texted Harry for the first time since the night of the premier. I honestly had been spending a lot of time by my bedroom window watching myself thinking about him, and the few moments we spent alone, somehow he has become a regular name in my head, with a perfect engraved picture in it.

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