30. SEP 14TH

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I know I said I was gonna take some time to write this one because it was gonna be super long. But because it got too long, I split it into two parts. And honestly the second one will come by the end of the week or next Monday.
Enjoy ;)


Now you're lost
Lost in the heat of it all
Girl you know you're lost


Adriana's Pov

Does the week start on Sunday or Monday? Either way mine started terribly, and it has only gone even deeper down as the days went by. Sunday was, well you seen how Sunday went, but not only that my dumb ass sent out the wrong file to my professor while getting ready for the award show. I was supposed to send a demo of a quick work I did while still in London to just say I did something because I wouldn't be in class for Monday or even have time to do a full project like I did with the first project.

With the different time zones I woke up to leave for the airport with not only an article of Harry and Kendall, who I found out dated, but also an email from my professor reviewing the song I now have titled Ocean eyes.

Once I read the email my heart jumped off my chest so fast that I felt like I was gonna spill it out of my mouth. That song was never supposed to be heard by anyone, especially now that papa and I have recorded it professionally and I have been convinced to release it.

I couldn't tell my professor that I sent the wrong song, it would seem unorganized of me, so I simply accepted the grade. 92%, because he doesn't give anyone more than 95 and he wants to see more of my work before giving me that much of a high grade.

With the email I sent him on Sunday, with the wrong file, I had informed him I wouldn't be attending class on Monday because I was away for the event but that if it was possible for him to send me the syllabus for the next project I would have it done by the next class. I don't want to have any kind of privileges because of who I am or who I am related to but also there are certain things that I can't just ignore to be a full time student, so even away I want to be able to do all of my work on time and turn them in within the timeline just like every other student.

Monday, we arrived. I was dropped off at my apartment and papa went to the hotel he was staying at for the next few days. Monday was my only day off, since I have been dragged around, to the studio, to meetings, and phone calls.

Tuesday, I had class, but as I stepped outside of the building, I was met with my grandfather waiting for me. We had lunch and shortly after we headed to the studio, re-recorded Ocean eyes and lonely. Lonely sounds the same as I had previously recorded, it was simplified polished, while ocean eyes, I changed the sound of it completely, one because I truly found a way to make it 100 times better and two because I had sent my professor the piano version and it aggravated me so much that I grew a hate the sound of it, making me want to redo it completely different.

We stayed at the studio for countless hours. Papa was in town for work, but he said everything was scheduled for the hours that I was in class, so when I was out we could have unlimited time to work on whatever we needed to work on.

I swear I haven't had a full conversation with Sabrina since last week, and I feel terrible but I can't deny time with my grandfather, when I hardly see him.

Wednesday came around and it was the same thing, Classes during the day and shortly after I was out to the studio. We finished both songs in a day and a half, and honestly it could have been done in a shorter period of time, if every 5 second papa and I didn't have an argument about every little thing. Him, trying to always over power and show he knows more and want it done his way, and me, as a Scorpio always wanted things done my way, simply because it was my work and I had only agreed to this if he gave me freedom to do whatever I wanted with my songs.

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