5 ☠️

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Trigger warning: abuse

"Great, this just keeps getting better huh," Seungmin groaned. "Seung, I know it's not ideal but whining isn't going to help us, we need a plan right now. Ellie said so herself, the thing we are about to witness will be bizarre, so we need a plan on how to survive. I suggest we stay here for the night and go through everything tomorrow. There isn't a time limit for as far as we know, so we should go over this carefully. Any objections?" Chan asked. No one spoke up, all seeming to agree with him. He clearly already took the leader role upon him.

From what I observed so far, he seemed to have everything together already. He clearly knew the rules and seemed to have a pretty good intuition. If it were him, I could probably trust this to be going well. "Alright then. Why don't we split up in teams to look around, see if there is anything we could use. Places to stay like the room we got lead in to first, anything we could use to make actual non-poisoned food or anything to drink. I think those are our top priorities right now."

"I'm teaming up with Minho!" Jisung quickly called out, already standing right next to his close friend. "Sure, that should be fine. Let's split up in three teams of two and one of three, how's that sound?" I glanced over at Jeongin, meeting his eyes. Before either of us could speak, Hyunjin's voice thundered through the room. "I'm teaming up with Jeongin!" I quickly looked down again, hiding a slight disappointment. I could feel Changbin nudge my arm, smiling a little.

I smiled back. "Then, me and Y/N will team up as well," Changbin stated. Chan nodded. "That would leave me, Felix and Seungmin. Let's meet back here in an hour. We'll take the north side, Minho, you take east, Changbin south and Hyunjin west, okay?" Everyone reluctantly agreed, Minho already being pulled forward by Jisung. I could feel Hyunjin bump into me, a small "thanks I guess" leaving his lips before smilingly walking up to Jeongin again.

I saved his life, and an almost inaudible thank you was the best he could do? I rolled my eyes at him, not even caring about camera's up and running. If I was going to be annoyed at him, the whole world could know it for my part. I looked back at Changbin, trying to get the frustration out of my mind. That definitely wouldn't be coming in handy here. "Let's get going too shall we?" I nodded, humming along with it. "Yeah, let's get going too, I'm starving already!"

The hallways once again seemed to be never ending, though it felt like this time I was actually getting somewhere instead of just walking in circles. I let out a small chuckle. Maybe it was for the best me and Jeongin didn't pair up, we'd probably get nowhere! I could feel Changbin staring at me, making me slowly turn to him somewhat embarrassed. "What is it?" He chuckled. "I don't know, you tell me why you're giggling out of nowhere."

Ah, so that's why. I rubbed the neck of my nape, a habit I always had whenever feeling awkward or embarrassed. "Ah, that... I just thought that it wouldn't have been good for me and Jeongin to be paired up since we'd probably get nowhere to begin with." Changbin bursted out in laughter, nodding vigorously. "Yeah, that boy has zero sense of direction." His laughter turned into a bright smile. "How did you know about the food by the way? If it wasn't for you Hyunjin wouldn't have made it through, so thank you, really."


"Dad, let me out!" I yelled from the top of my lungs, banging desperately with the little strenght I had left on the inside of the closet doors. It was completely dark besides the single ray of light coming in through the key hole, it was cramped, horrifying. "I told you, if you didn't clean your room in time this was what you'd get. You're lucky your mom stood up for you, otherwise I would have gotten the whip involved again." I started crying as I heard him leave, yelling louder when I heard a squeak next to me.

After what felt like hours I could hear his footsteps approach again, my nose picking up a delicious scent. Dad opened the door, shoving the food in and instantly locking it again. "Eat this, have it finished within half an hour." I looked around, trying to see if he brought anything to eat it with when the owner of the squeak joined in, a rat already digging in. Within just a few seconds he started squeaking terribly desperate, only to be silenced soon after. Safe to say I didn't eat it, much to my dad's surprise.


"I just saw it on TV once," I lied with a fake smile. Changbin hummed, still looking amazed. He sniffed, looking up in surprise. "Do you smell that?" I looked up, not picking up anything however. "What are you, a bunny?" I laughed. He looked at me somewhat annoyed, but couldn't contain his smile. "Maybe half, but that's not the point. I think I smell spices from around here somewhere."

I followed him, as he followed where his nose brought him, up to a locked door. "I think it's coming from in here." He put his arm in front of me. "Stay back," he signalled, kicking in the door. My eyes widened, seeing it open in one go. He must have trained really hard to have strength like that. As we slowly walked inside, the lights turned on one by one, the corners of our lips rising.

Without even thinking about it twice Changbin swung his arms around my neck, hugging me tight. "Y/N, we did it, we found the storage room!"

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