Chapter 12

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I woke up to the sun stroking my skin. I feel like this is going to be a great day.

I tried to turn around but something was blocking me, so I turned around to face my beautiful sleeping girlfriend. I pulled her closer to me and stared down at her for a while, it was so peacefull. I continued to stare untill she suddenly screamed in my face which made my heart drop.

" What the hell?! "

" It's rude to stare Jye, I had to do this. " She giggles.

She asked for it.

" You better run Lyssa " I said. Her eyes started to become wider and she run out of the room. I jumped out of the bed and followed her. I saw that she was going to the guest room so I run the other way around so I could scare her.

I had to keep myself from laughing when I saw her hiding behind the bed. I slowly walked up to her, counted till 3 and after that I threw her over my shoulder and ran to the bedroom.


" Why should I princess? " I said whilst I laid her down on the bed waiting for an answer.

" Because I want you to! "

I pretended to think for a while.

" Nahh, that isn't a good reason. " I said with a smirk on my face.

I began to tickle her everywhere. It's so funny because she's so ticklish.

" J-JAI PLEASE I-I CAN'T B-BREATH! I B-BEG YOU " She said through laughs.

" Say the magic sentence "


I laughed so hard at her face. She really couldn't breath but she still had to laugh, it was priceless.

I had stopped tickling her and she sat up, still a bit out of breath.

" Why thankyou, I love you too " I said with a smirk on my face. She just rolled her eyes and went downstairs.

I decided to go take a bath. I walked over to the bathroom and filled the bathtub. I always take a bath when I need to clear my mind, I mean, I had almost lost my brother.

I observed my face in the mirror and saw that my facial hair was getting too long, so I grabbed my razer but my heart dropped when I saw blood on my razor.


My stomach is killing me, I need some food or I'll pass out. I feel like pancakes today.

I opened the fridge when the fruit juice fell all over me. I winced at the pain.

Yes, pain. After the Jake incident I kind off lost myself and grabbed Jai's razor to cut myself again.. I really didn't mean to but I just don't know what got over to me.

Wait.. Jai's razor..


I quickly wiped the floor and ran to the bathroom to grab Jai's razor and clean the blood, but when I got there Jai was already there.. With his razor in his hands..

" J-Jai I can explain.. "

His eyes were filled with sadness, I have never seen him like this before. I know, I promised him to tell him but... but.. I don't know.

" Well tell me lyssa.. " He said.

" I felt like everything was my fault, if I didn't make Jake angry he wouldn't go off to Beau like that. I felt so down and stupid so I grabbed your razor and.. well, you know. Jai I'm so so so sorry, I get it if you hate me now. " I said whilst looking down. I couldn't look at him, I feel embarrassed of myself.

I expected him to walk away or scream at me or something, but instead he walked over to me and pulled me into a tight hug.

" It's okay Lyssa.. Well, it's not but I could never hate you. I'm just sad that you felt that way. It wasn't your fault, he shouldn't have threatened you like that. Lyss, I love you and I always will. " He said before he kissed the top of my head. His words brought tears to my eyes.

My boyfriend is the best.


Hi guys! So I decided to update :)

I know it's shit but it will do I hope. Thankyou all for reading this far, it means a lot.

Please be so kind to leave a vote and a comment behind. Thankyou so much.

Stay amazing

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