Chapter 26

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I got comfortable under the duvet and waited for Jai to come. I feel so bad, Gina is cleaning the house because of my party and Jai is cleaning my vomit. This sucks.

Jai came back to the room and undressed himself untill he was left in his boxers. He's so hot, his body keeps amazing me. Even in shitty moods like these.

He joined me in bed and I snuggled up to his chest. He gently rubbed my belly with one hand. The idea of a small human being living inside of me is so weird.

" I'm sorry that you had to clean my mess Jai "

" Baby you don't have to be sorry, I really don't mind. We're doing this together and we can only do that if I help you with everything. "

I nodded.

" I have my first scan tomorrow remember? "

" Yeah.. I'm thrilled we're finally going to see our baby for the first time.. It's crazy that we've come this far.. I love you so much Alyssa.. "

I kissed his bare chest.

" I love you more.. Forever "

He kissed the top of my head and with that I fell asleep in his arms.

* Next morning *

I felt his soft lips touching mine. A small smile crept on my face and my eyes fluttered open.

" Goodmorning Jai "

" Goodmorning princess, you have to get up. We're having the scan today! "

I smiled and stretched my body before I grabbed some clothes.


We entered the room and the lady told me to lay on that stretcher.

" This is going to be cold "

She wasn't lying, that thing was cold as hell. I grabbed Jai and scrunched up my nose which made him chuckle.

" If you look on this screen you can see your baby's smile " The lady said with a genuine smile on her face.

There actually is someone living inside of me, someone that is half- Jai , half- Me. I get to raise that child..

That thought brought tears to my eyes. When I looked up at Jai I saw that he was crying too and I squeezed his hand.

" It's happening princess.. " He said with a smile on his face.

It is.. We're looking at our future.


Jai, Luke Beau and I were all sitting on the couch watching Stepbrothers when my phone rung.

" Hello? "


" Oh my god Hi! How are you?! "

All the boys looked disturbed at me because I was talking loud through the movie, but I was too lazy to get up so I stayed. Hah.

" Yeah well I'm pregnant now too actually haha "


" Sure spill it! "


" Oh yeah no problem dear! Jai and I would love to! "


" Uhmm would you mind bringing her? "


" Alright thanks see you soon. Bye "

I put my phone on the charger and placed myself next to Jai again.

" What was that all about? We would love to what? " He asked confused.

" Well, you know my friend, Macy? We're babysitting her sister tonight. It's a 4 years old girl, it will give us time to practice. "

" Oh sounds like fun " He said not sounding too excited.

The film came to an end.

" I will never get bored of watching this film " Luke said before he yawned.

" Me neither, but I'm going to bed cunts. Have fun with that little boy " Beau said.

" Girl. "

" Whatever. " And with that Beau and Luke went upstairs.

I was walking to the kitchen to get something to drink when someone knocked on the door.

Jai and I both walked over and opened the door.

" Auntie Lyssa! " Destiny yelled before she jumped on me. ( A/N she calls me auntie because Macy says that it sounds polite and cute )

" Heeey baby girl! how are you doing? "

" Good. " She said with a small smile.

She and Jai hugged eachother and he took her bag and took Destiny with him inside.

" Alyssa thank you so much I hope she isn't too much trouble! call me if something's up okay? "

" Will do bye! "

I closed the door and walked over to Jai and Des. She was telling him stories about school and he was listening as if it was the most interesting story he had ever heard.

" Des! How about some icecream? " Her eyes widened and she had a huge grin on her face.


This kid is the happiest kid I have ever seen. She always knows how to make me smile. To make it all better for her Jai asked

" Do you want to walk to the kitchen or do you rather want to go by plane? " He said with a smirk on his face. Her eyes got even bigger, I was almost worried that they were about to fall out. ( I'm so dramatic )

" Plane....... " She almost whispered with an unbelievable face.

Jai counted till three and picked her up so she was above his head and ran to the kitchen. I'm loving the sight of this. I pictured that Des was our kid and I immediately felt ten times happier. Jai definitely would be a great dad.

I followed them to the kitchen and gave Destiny her icecream. Jai made us popcorn and we all decided to watch frozen.

Jai sat on one side of the couch with Destiny sitting on his lap leaning against his chest and eating her icecream whilst I snuggled up to the other side of his chest.

This is what everything will look like in about 8 months. I can't wait.


I know this was shitty I'm sorry!

Better ones are coming I promise
My friend Macy is dedicaded to my real friend _lklyxx !! (Make sure to read her book, her name is Macy there too hah )


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