Chapter 3

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We all went home, Luckily Lyssa's house is next to mine so I can walk her home. She's always arguing with Luke about stupid things. I love it when she does that. It may sound weird but it's so cute when she thinks she's right about something when she clearly isn't.

I don't want to leave her yet..

" Lyssa, lets have a movie night. " I said to her with a smile on my face.

" Yeah sure! at my place. " She said with her beautiful smile and cute dimples.


Yay! He wants to hang out with me tonight. I was just about to ask him the same thing, I really didn't want to leave him yet.

Beau and Luke went to their house and Jai to mine. We waved them goodnight and got in.

" Hi miss Jone! " Jai said whilst hugging my mom.

" Hiya Jai! " My mom is always so happy when Jai's around. She knows about me liking Jai and can't wait for us to be a couple. Well, not going to happen mom.

Mom loves the other boys too, even James and Skip. They were always around to support us with the death of my father and pulled us through the hard times. They are the best friends in the world.

" I'll pick some movies and you'll make some popcorn and drinks okay? " I nodded and smiled at him.

I made some popcorn and drinks and walked to my room.

" Come on! It's starting! " Jai said whilst keeping the duvet up for me. I laid down next to him and let my head rest on his shoulder, with his head on mine. ( if that makes sense )

We were watching 'John Tucker must die' our favourite.

After 15 minutes of the movie I felt my breath slowing down and I drifted into a deep sleep in Jai's arms.

Best Friends -  Jai brooksWhere stories live. Discover now