Chapter 29

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Blood.. This is really bad she needs to get to the hospital as soon as possible.


Lyssa was screaming because she knew that there was blood. I was crying too but I couldn't hear a thing, it was like evrything was in slowmotion and I could only hear myself sob.

The boys came running up and picked Lyssa up to rush her to the ambulance. I dropped to my knees and bawled my eyes out. I could lose everything, I can lose my baby..

I quickly came to reality again and ran downstairs to get in the ambulance with Alyssa. She was laying on that stretcher, she looked so pale and she was shaking.. It hurts me the most that I can't do anything about it. I can't help her, I should be the one who solves every little problem, the one who makes her happy when she's down, the one to save her life.. It kills me that I can't be that one right now. 

" Sir? "

" Sir? "

" I'm sorry, yes? " I said confused.

" Did anything happen before she was bleeding? "

It may sound weird but it feels like I'm on drugs. It's like I hear what the man is saying but at the other hand I can't. It's like everything goes slower than they should be but at the same time it all goes too fast. I've nev-

" Sir?? "

" Oh uhm, well we were just having a small get together with our friends. There was nothing wrong untill she suddenly grabbed her stomach and winced at the pain. It was so bad that she dropped to her knees so I quickly picked her up and brought her to the bedroom. That's when I saw the blood.. " I said with my face hanging down. 

The man nodded and soon we arrived to the hospital, the boys followed us behind. They rushed Lyssa to the emergency room and we were told to wait in the waiting area.

That was the longest time I've ever waited for something. Well, not actually but it felt like I waited years. I wanted to get some water when I was stopped by the doctor.

" Jaidon Brooks? "

" That's me, how is she?! "

The man gave me a sympathetic smile..

" I am glad to tell you that everything is okay. If you were later with calling the ambulance the baby would have died. She has to stay in the hospital a night just for check ups. "

That was the best news I have ever heard in my llife. She's okay.. My babies are okay..

" Thank you so much sir, can I see her now? "

" Yes, but please two at a time. "

I nodded. I looked back at the others and they nodded for me to go. I smiled to them and walked to Lyssa her room. I slowly opened the door and saw a sleeping Lyssa on the bed. A huge grin immediately appeared on my face. There was a chair next to the bed, but I wanted to lay next to her so I did. I don't care if they tell me that I can't because I won't move.

I slowly placed myself next to her and stroked her long beautiful curls. She still looked pale but oh so beautiful..

" I was so scared baby.. "

I kissed her forehead.

" I'm so glad that everythings okay.. "

I kissed her nose.

" I love you, the both of you. "

I kissed her lips and stroked her belly.

Her eyes suddenly fluttered open and she looked at me with hopefull eyes.

" Is everything okay? Is the baby still here? "

" Everything's okay baby "

She snuggeled up to my chest and cried from happiness.

" Everything's okay.. " I whispered and kissed her head again.

" You have to stay one night though, they have to check more things before you go, but don't worry I won't leave your side. I never will. "

" I love you Jai "

" I love you more, I'll get everyone. They want to see you too okay? I'm just going to get us all some food. "

She nodded and I stood up to get everyone. They were all waiting at the door with hopefull faces and I told them that only two could go in. They nodded and I went to get some food.


I'm so happy that everything is okay. This was the scariest moment of my life..

I was waiting for everyone to come in when the door opened. I was so happy, I didn't even know who would come but I already had a huge grin on my face. Just the fact that they want to see me.

That smile quickly dropped when I saw who it was.

It was Rachel.

" W-What are you doing here? H-How did you know that I was in here? "

She had such an evil smirk on her face.

" Well, let me just say that I know everything. "

How cliche.

For once I think you're right.

thankyou that's nice.


" Uhm but what are you d-doing here? " I said afraid for her answer.

 " Someone sent me. "

" Who? "

Her smirk grew bigger and even more evil.

" Jake. "

My heart skipped a beat.

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