Chapter 23

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I woke up in a dark room in Jai his arms. I reached over to the alarm to check the time. 3:40 am


I decided to go to the kitchen to get some water, I won't fall asleep now anyways. I tried to get up but Jai held me even tighter, as if he was going to lose me. I know what will help.

I kissed his lips passionate and softly. Slowly, his hands reached my face and he cupped my cheeks. This was my que to go. I quickly jumped up and he groaned annoyed. I smiled to myself and tip toed to the kitchen, not wanting to wake anyone up.

When I entered the kitchen, I saw a silhouette. My heart stopped beating for a second untill I saw it.

It was Gina, sitting on the kitchen chair. She gave me a sympathetic smile, why though..

Oh my god I totally forgot. I've just lost my mom, my only one.. As I thought about it I immediatly felt tears streaming down my face.

" Ohhh shh baby.. It's gonna be okay.. " She whispered whilst she pulled me in for a comforting hug. I felt so save, Gina is like my second mom. But still, there's no one like your own mom. I have just realized that now she's gone. She wasn't there for me all this time, then she did this and I still miss her.. it's crazy right?

" It's not Gina.. I have no one left.. What if I won't find a new family? "

" Baby, let me tell you something. The reason that I'm up this late is because I needed time to think, and I came to the conclusion that.. uhm.. I think that you should live with us. Let us be your new, real family. I'll sign the papers so that you have found your new ' foster family '. Well, I mean, if you want to. It's totally fine if you don't want to. " She said nervously. This woman is amazing.

She already has 3 super energetic kids herself, which two of them are twins and she basically raised me. Where is she getting all the time and money and everything..

" Lyssa?... "

" Oh sorry Gina I was thinking. I must say that you really are an amazing woman. You basically have been my second mom all my life, my mom was never there. I really can not thank you enough but.. What about you? Taking care of someone takes time, love and so much money. You already have 3 monsters yourself and I can't imagine how stressfull your life can be sometimes. I will be way too much trouble Gina and I can't do that to you. Thankyou again, for the offer. "

" Honey don't be crazy please. It's not about me, it's about my only daughter. That is you, and you know that my love for you and the boys is endless. I will not take no for an answer. "

I basically jumped on her and ingulved her in a huge hug.

" Thankyou so much Gina, really I can't thank you enough but we need to talk to the boys first. What if they won't like it? "

" It's already done hun. They couldn't wait for me to sign the papers. " she giggled.

This is like a dream coming true. This is the family I have always wanted.

I kissed Gina on her cheek and ran to Jai. When I entered the room I noticed that he was still sleeping. That's not weird because it's still night time. A smirk appeared on my face and I jumped on him and tackled him with kisses. He scrunched up his face which made me laugh.


That's it. I cracked up.

" What makes you think that I am your dog you shithead " I said between laughs.

" Ohh sorry I thought you were Lala, but what the hell are you doing? It's night! "

" Well... I just found out that I have a new family! "

Once I said it his eyes lit up and a huge smile appeared on his face which showed his bottom teeth.

" What! Really ?! "


" Ehr.. Jai.. didn't you know? "

" Know what? "



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