Chapter 4

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So we were meant to watch a movie and ofcourse she falls asleep after 15 minutes. She always does this. At least I have her in my arms for the whole night now.

I gave her a kiss on her head and stroked her long, beautiful brown curls.

I wanted to get up to turn the TV off but she held me tighter when I tried to get out. After two minutes I managed to get out and turn the TV off.

She looks so peacefull when she's sleeping, she looks just like an angel.

I quickly jumped in bed again, pulled her to my chest en rested my head on hers.

" The way it feels to fall asleep next to you.. " I whispered before falling into a deep sleep.



I felt the sun touching my skin and woke up in Jai's arms. I think I fell asleep again last night. Oh well, at least in his arms. I looked at Jai and he looked so cute snoring slightly with his mouth open.

I gave him a kiss on his cheek and got out to make us some breakfast. I think he would like pancakes, they're his favourite.


The pancakes are nearly done when I hear someone on the stairs. Prince Jai is awake. I turned around to face him and immediately froze.

He stood there.. shirtless.. his body keeps amazing me everytime.. so, so, sooo gorgeous!

" You can touch it if you want to. " He said with a smirk on his face.

" Ehr.. no.. thankyou ' I said with red cheeks. " I'm making pancakes, thought you would like it. "

" I love it, thanks babe. " He said whilst kissing my still red cheeks. He called me babe!! my heart melted when he said that.

" Let's make this a lazy day yeah? Just the two of us.. " He mumbled the last thing. I nodded and brought the pancakes to the living room. He ate like five in ten minutes.. what a monster.

" I'm going to have a shower, I'll be back soon little shit. " I said and ran to the bathroom.

I quickly washed myself and brushed my teeth. He said that we're going to have a lazy day so I'll just put one of his sweaters on and some footy shorts. ( yes he leaves some of his clothes here. He's here like 24/7 )

I got back to my room and Jai was already there.

" come lay with me stupid. " He said and I walked towards my bed.

Best Friends -  Jai brooksWhere stories live. Discover now