Chapter 16

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I ran to the girls room to fix my face with some make-up, if I was going to talk to Jai I had to look good.

I walked out of the girls room to the cafeteria. It was very crowded so pretty hard to find Jai. After searching for a while I saw him sitting at a table with Rachel and her other plastic friends. Uhg I seriously can't stand them. And Jai doesn't even seems to enjoy himself.

I walked over to their table and immediately got nasty stares from all the girls.

They all looked like barbies, but the ugly ones with way too much make-up on. It just looks gross.

" Jai can I talk to you for a second? "

" Fine, spill it. " He said. He just sat there, giving me the same look as all the others.

" Alone Jai. " I said rolling my eyes.

Why the hell is he acting like this. It's annoying the crap out of me. He doesn't even know my side of the story.

He sighed and stood up following me to the hallway.

" I know that you're mad at me but just hear me out okay? You never asked me what happened. "

" Why should I? I saw it with my own eyes plus my brother told me what happened. "

He is so naive oh my god.

" Well Luke lied. Listen, this is what happened. Luke asked me if I felt something too at the kiss and that I couldn't deny it or something. I was like no I love Jai. I was in a total shock because I never would have guessed that Luke would do something like this. I was about to tell him to back off and that I don't like him like that but he didn't let me finish. Instead, he kissed me and you walked in. That's what happened Jai, nothing else. I would never do such a thing to you because I love you more than I love myself. Please please believe me. I know that he is your brother but I can promise you that I'm telling the truth.. " I looked down and tears were streaming down my face. I didn't even notice that I was crying.

I slowly looked up at him again and his eyes were filled with sadness. He just looked at me, as if he was about to cry.

" S-So you d-do love me? " He was crying by now.

" Jai ofcourse I do! You are the reason that I'm still alive. If you wouldn't be in my life I would have been dead by now and I'm not even kidding. "

Jai was smiling through his tears, there's my boy again.

" So what do we do now? "

" uhm... Y-You probably should go back to your girlfriend.. " I said looking at my feet.

Suddenly Jai burst out laughing.

" My girlfriend?! Babe she wishes. Yeah I was mad but I can't get over you that fast. I love you way too much. "

This changed my mood in a second. He still loves me! I gave him the biggest hug ever and didn't let go. I noticed that everyone was staring at us but I couldn't care less. Only one person catched my eye.


She walked over to us and gave us the nastiest look I have ever seen.

" Jai?! Please tell me why you are hugging this thing?! She's so fat and ugly, why would you even talk to her? She cheated on you with your brother remember, just ditch the bitch already. " Rachel said whilst looking at me with her hands resting on her hips. I seriously want to slap her in the face.

" Why don't you just back off Rachel? Don't you see that I don't like you? Oh and don't ever call her anything like that again. Alyssa has beautiful eyes, beautiful hair, a beautiful smile, but most of all class. Something that you obviously don't have. I love her with all my heart and I won't let anyone ruin that for me. " He said.

She looked insulted. To make everything worse for her, I kissed Jai on the lips. We both smiled through our kiss and everyone was staring at us. This is seriously the best day ever.

We pulled away and looked in eachothers eyes. Everything and everyone faded away, I could only see him. My man.

" Alyssa Anastacia Jone, will you please be my girlfriend again? " Jai asked whilst he cupped my face. He said it loud enough so that everyone could hear.

" Ofcourse I will Jaidon Dominic Matthew Brooks. "

I'm so proud to call him mine again. We are meant to be, whatever happens. If he falls I'll fall, If he rises I'll rise. Everything together, together forever.

Rachel was about to cry and ran away.

Mission completed.

My bubble of happiness burst when the bell rang. Spanish now, great.

I gave Jai a last kiss and went to my next class.

I met Becca on the way and intertwined our arms.

" Guess who has her boyfriend back? " I said with a smirk on my face.

She squeeled of happiness. She always told me that Jai and I would be a great couple, since day one. She's right, he's the perfect guy for me.


I had a huge smile on my face the whole day. Untill I saw Jai yelling at Luke in front of the school gate. Luke yelled something too and Jai punched him in the face.

"JAI!! "


Soooooooo another update! Tell me what you think babes


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