Chapter 1

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" Psst! Lyssa wake up!! " Jai whispered in my ear whilst shaking me.

" Whyyyy Jai " I groaned half asleep.

" We were going to the park with everyone remember? "

Shoot! I totally forgot. I jumped up and Jai sat at the corner of my bed with a huge smile on his face. I always drown in his beautiful hazel eyes.. and that smile is just...

" Lyssaaa!! " He yelled whilst waving his hand in my face which caused me to giggle. I think I stared again.

" Alright, wait for me downstairs. I'll get ready. " I said. He nodded and I skipped to the bathroom.

I turned the shower on and felt the warm water flow down my body. I secretly love it when Jai wakes me up, so I can take a shower and play it over and over again in my head. You probably think that I'm weird now.

I quickly grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my body before I ran to my room and closed my door behind me. My jaw dropped to the ground when I turned around.

Jai was still sitting on my bed and I just dropped my towel.

He just sat there with a smirk on his face. I quickly grabbed my towel again and wrapped it around me.


" Oh come on Lyssa, it's not like I haven't seen you naked before " uhmmm whut no we were like 8.. And again that stupid smirk on his face. So embarrasing! He pinched my arm and slowly walked downstairs.

" Dickhead. " I said out loud.

I walked over to my closet to pick an outfit. The weather was really nice now so I chose to wear a crop top and a pale pink skater skirt and my white converse sneakers. I quickly looked at myself in the mirror and went downstairs.

" Ready beautiful? " Jai said. I love it when he calls me beautiful but I just nodded because of the incident before and he probably just said it to be nice so yeah.

He took my hand and we made our way over to the park.


Thankyou guys so much for reading this far! I know this part is shitty but I promise better ones will come :) please vote and leave a comment behind.

Best Friends -  Jai brooksWhere stories live. Discover now