Chapter 10

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This is like a dream coming true.. Do I tell the boys?

Probably not I guess.. he is right about not rushing things. For some reason I'm scared that it won't work out. I mean why would he love me? I'm like his sister.

God Lyssa. Stop making things up you stupid.

I kissed his cheek and got up.

" What would you like for breakfast sir? "

" You. " He said with a smirk on his face, I rolled my eyes as response.

" Bacon and eggs it is. " I said and ran downstairs.

Gina and my mom went to the mall to go shopping and the boys are at the gym again. They didn't even bother to ask Jai with them. They stopped asking him a while ago.

I threw the bacon on a plate when I felt two muscular arms wrapped around my waist.

" I would bring you breakfast in bed babe " I said before I turned around to peck his lips.

But my heart skipped a beat when I saw that it wasn't Jai..

" H-how d-did you come i-in? W-what are you doing here? " I asked him shit scared.

" Aw you're even cuter then I thought. " Jake said with a dirty smirk on his face.

Who is Jake you ask? Well, Jake is a 20 years old guy who used to be the leader of a gang here in Melbourne. He has been arrested several times for raping and abusing girls. There are even rumors that he killed someone, but there's no prove. Beau used to be in that gang so they know eachother.

But what the hell is he doing here and wrapping his arms around me?!

I pushed him off me and called Jai but he was in the shower so he couldn't hear a thing.

Fuck fuck fuck! Why me?

I panicked and he just kept looking at me with that awfull smirk, he really got me angry now.

" GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME! " I yelled in his face struggling to get out of his grip, but that just made him smile even more. He really enjoyed this, the psycho.

" Not that easy sweetie. " Gross.

" What do you want from me? I don't even know you! " I said whilst I looked around to look for something sharp. I felt a knife behind me which I used to make breakfast before. I slowly took the knife and kept it behind my back.

" Well you see, Beau and I have some unfinished business, but I can't seem to find him. So why not hurt the ones he loves right? I was planning on just taking you but now that Jai is in the house too I can get two in one. " He said before he laughed like he was the bad guy in those horror movies. That filthy bastard.

" Fuck off, you can't hurt me. " I was more angry than mad. No one touches Jai.

I clearly pissed him off by saying that because he raised his hand to hit me in the face but I quickly showed him the knife that was behind my back.

" I'm not afraid to kill you. " I said. Ofcourse I didn't plan on killing him but he sure as hell bought it.

He started to walk backworths and again that smirk appeared on his face.

" So you're a tough one huh, I'm watching you babe. I'm watching every single step you make. " He said before he walked out of the door.

I let out a huge sigh, I didn't even know that was holding it in.

I ran upstaires to Jai and told him the whole story. Thinking of it made me cry like a baby. Jai managed to calm me down but I could see that he was furious. I told him to wait for Beau and to don't do anything whilst I was taking a shower. He nodded and went down, still looking furious.

I turned on the shower and the falling water made a loud noise. I heard the front door slam shut.

Did Jai just leave?


OOOHH CLIFFHANGER!! haha please tell me how you feel about this chapter and be so kind to leave a vote behind if you liked it.

Stay beautiful

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