Chapter 36

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" Daddy can I go to the playground over there? "

" uhmm.. "

" Pwease dad! It's not far you can still see me can I pweaaaase go?? "

" Alright then baby, be careful okay? "

She nodded and walked ahead. I heard someone calling me so I looked behind to see who it was.

" Jai bro, where's Jailynn? "

" She's at the playgr- "

My sentence was interrupted by a loud scream of a little girl. I jerked my head around to find my little girl.. my little princess laying in front of a car on the cold road..


I ran as hard as I could to my baby girl and shook her shoulders.

" Wake up baby, wake up, you have to! I can not live without you Jailynn come on open your eyes for me baby.. "

Tears were streaming down my face whilst I kept shaking her. I heard people shouting around me and I heard sirenes, but it all was so soft. It was as if there was a movie playing in slowmotion and the sound got turned down until I could only hear myself sob. This pain.. This pain is the worst pain I have ever head. I have lost my little girl. '

All of a sudden I heard very loud baby screams, as if a baby was crying. Someone shook me which made me open my eyes.

" Jai please help me with Jailynn? She's crying and I really need your help.. "

Oh my god it was just a dream. This is the best news ever, my girl is still alive.

" She's alive.. " I whispered in disbelief. It all felt so real..

" Uhh yeah she is babe, I pushed her out of my vagina two days ago remember? "

" Ohh yeah hah " Good one Jai.

I gave Lyssa a kiss before we both stood up and walked to Jailynn. She was crying like a baby. Uh , yeah. Anyways she was crying really loud and I had no idea why or what to do.

" What do we do then? I mean what does she want? Is she hungry or did she shit or- "

" Jai don't curse. "

" Oh yeah sorry, well what do we do? "

All of a sudden Lyssa took her shirt off and unclipped her bra. I love the view of this.. Wait no, not when the baby's crying we have to do it some other time.

" Baby as much as I love the view, not now. Jailynn is crying and we need to give her whatever she needs, lets finish that later yeah? "

" Are you a retard? She needs breastfeed Jai. "

God I'm way too tired for this.

Nahh You're just dumb.

Go. Stupid voice who thinks tha-

" Okay we can go back to bed, we'll take her with us so she can have a nice drink yeah? " Lyssa said before she kissed my lips sweetly.

That always makes me smile like a goof, after - I don't even know how many - years.

I'm seriously so proud to have her and my baby.

Lyssa gently laid down on the bed with Jailynn on her chest. I crawled up next to them and rested my hand on Lyssa's belly.

" I love you Jai, thank you so much for being my one and only. "

" I love you even more Lyssa, thank you for being mine. I couldn't have picked a better mom and wife. "

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