Chapter 18

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We intertwined our hands and ran to my house. We ran because it was raining really hard, not because we enjoyed it ofcourse.

I knocked on the door hoping that mom or Beau would answer but it was Luke.

Just my luck.

" H-Hi " He said.

Funny that he thinks that we are going to respond to it. I just walked past him and pulled Lyssa with me. I noticed that she gave Luke a nasty glare which made me smile. I know, I sound like an awful brother but I hate him now so I don't care.

Mum was in the kitchen and greeted us happily. I guess Luke didn't tell her what happened. It's better that way 'cause she'd force us to make it up. Not going to happen.

I asked Lyssa to go up and she agreed.


I opened the door and it were Jai and Lyssa. Great.

" H-Hi " I said nervous. I mean, I know that we just had a huge fight but I still care you know.

They both ignored me and walked past me greeting mom as if nothing has happened. I just shrugged it off and went to the sofa to watch TV. I couldnt focus on the TV though, all I could think of was Lyssa and Jai.

I am sorry for what I have done but on the other hand I'm not. Jai always gets the girls and I'm always their 'best friend'. I always let it go and let Jai have them but Lyssa's different. She's not just a pretty girl, she's perfect. The way she laughs with her slightly uneven teeth, the way her curls fall down to her waist.. Just everything.

I guess there must be a reason why she loves Jai and not me.. I mean, you can see that she really loves him and Jai loves her too. I actually have never seen him like this, with none of his previous girlfriends.. Maybe I should just let them be and let my brother be happy..


" Jai? "

" hmm "

" I love you "

" I love you more princess "

I love it when he calls me princess, it makes me feel loved, wanted. I have been the happiest girl I could ever be since Jai asked me to be his girlfriend.

" You know, I have been the happiest girl ever since you asked me to be yours. I don't even blame myself for my fathers death anymore. You've changed me Jai.. I can seriously see us getting old together.. and Luke almost ruined that.. " I mumbled the last part.

I know I will be able to forgive Luke one day, just not yet.

" That's my job, to make you feel loved and to make you the happiest girl ever. That is because you make me feel loved and special, it's hurts me to see you sad. We're meant to be together and nothing or no one will ever change that. Not even Luke. " Jai said before he kissed the top of my head. I rolled over and kissed him, untill we got interrupted by Gina calling us for dinner.

" Let's go babe. "

We walked downstairs hand in hand and we met Beau on the way.

" Aye cunts " Beau said before he ruffled my hair. I just rolled my eyes and Jai playfully kicked him.

Gina made her famous spaghetti bolognese and we all sat down.

* how we all sat ; *

Beau Gina Luke

Jai Lyssa

As we were eating Luke kept staring at me, the creep. I tried to avoid his eyes but that was pretty hard as he was sitting infront of me. I tried to break the awkwardness and started a conversation.

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