Chapter 5

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There we are, laying in complete silence on my bed. A good one though. Jai drew circles on my arm with his thumb, I felt so comfortable and save in his arms.

" Jai? "

" Yes babe? " Again, that word. He says it a lot lately.

" Have you ever thought about what comes after death? " I said shaking a bit.

" Nahh, I don't like to think about it too much. I enjoy life with my bestie! ' He said in a girly way whilst softly squeezing my arm. I nodded.

" Why? " He asked.

Do I show him my scars?

You can't keep it inside anymore, you HAVE to let it out. ' A voice in my head said.

" Ehr.. I have to show you something.. " I said whilst looking at my hands. I was so nervous because I didn't know how he would respond to it.

" What is it?? " I could see that he got worried because I was shaking so much.

I sat up and showed him my arm. As I saw his shocked face I felt the tears build up in my eyes.

" Lyssa.. " I bursted out in tears.

Jai pulled me into a tight hug, stroked my hair and kissed my head several times.

" Why.. " He asked when I got calmer. His eyes turned glassy.

" I-It's my fault that my father is dead! I always dissapointed him, I'm a complete failure! I can't deal with the pain Jai! " I cried again. A tear ran down his face.

" Don't ever say that again! It's everything but your fault! you were a great daughter to him, he was just to blind to see that and that is his fault! Please just realise how amazing and beautiful you are.. everyone loves you Lyssa.. It truly breaks my heart to see you like this. Please Lyssa.. " He said whilst cupping my face and wiping my tears away.

I gave him a hug and didn't let go.

He whispered " You're so amazing and beautiful.. I love you. "

" I love you too Jai.. " I just wish you knew how much..

" Promise me something Lyssa " He said

" Yeah? "

" Don't ever do it again. If you feel the need to do it, just come to me. I'll make sure that you'll be the happiest girl in the world. " He said whilst grabbing my cheek. I nodded and he gave me a soft, gentle kiss on my forehead before he gently grabbed my wrists and kissed each one of my scars. " They're all beautiful, just like you. "


I.. I never knew that she felt this way.. Everyone would love her as a daughter ( If that doesn't sound weird lol ) her father was just too stupid to see it.

I just wish she knew how beautiful and amazing she is.

I have to do something to cheer her up.

" I've changed my mind. Go put on something nice and I'll meet you downstairs in 20. " I said as I kissed her cheek and got out to get myself ready.

" Why? " She said with red puffy eyes.

" I'm taking you out come on " I said as I lifted her up bridal style


I heard footsteps coming down so I turned around to see Alyssa. My jaw dropped to the ground, she looked so stunning.

She wore a black high waisted jeans with a white shoulder revealing crop top and white heels. Her hair curled over her shoulders.

" You look amazing.. " I said before she started to blush.


" You look amazing " Jai said. I felt my cheeks turn red and smiled at the ground.

" Lets go " I said.

Best Friends -  Jai brooksWhere stories live. Discover now