Chapter 33

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Brother.. brother..

The word kept echoing through my head and it looked like everything faded away.

" Y-Your b-brot-ther? "

" Yup, why do you think I always went after Jai. "

" I thought that you liked him.. "

" Well yeah ofcourse, he's a sexy beast but the main reason was Jake. "

All the boys looked gobsmacked especially Beau. He used to be in his gang but Jake never told him about having a sister named Rachel. Jee life is crazy.

" So Jake told you to do all this but.. why Alyssa though? " Beau asked confused.

" Because he said that you always have to hurt the ones they love, plus I can't stand her so it's pretty clever don't you think? This way we both get what we want. " She said as if it was nothing.

I clenched my fists together. I wanted to slap her right there and then. I walked towards her and swung my fist in the air to make contact with her che-

" Rachel! dinner's ready! " Her mom suddenly yelled from downstairs.


" Looks like it's time for you lots to leave. Too bad huh " She said with her perfect but oh so ugly smile. It's just, her teeth are so perfectly even and so white that it's ugly.

" We're not leaving untill you have said that you'll leave her alone! She's done nothing to you, you're just jealous that she has Jai! If you won't stop then come to me instead of her. I'm the one who started this not her, it's not fair. "

" Life isn't fair Bew, but I'll see about that. Maybe I should come after you... or maybe not who knows " She said laughing and walked past us.

I could see that everyone was disappointed with how it all went, we came here with a goal, but she sort off still won. We don't know what she'll do. It just came as a shock that she's Jake's sister I guess. I mean, I really didn't see that one coming, it explains everything. Like that time, when we were all going to the park and Jai was talking to that girl.. It was her. Beau was just out of that gang then. Or when Jai and I broke up.. She was there too. She's always been around with a plan in her head, and we all fell for her little game.

" Lets go home guys.. " Luke said.

We all agreed and walked down to the door not bothering to say bye to her mom. She might even play along too, you never know. Crazy family.

We were all silent on the way home and reached the house soon.

All the boys were making jokes again and kind of let go of what happened but my mind was still in that room. I thought about everything they have done to us, with they I mean her and Jake. I don't understand what's going through their minds. You must be crazy if you almost kill someone and then send your sister to them because you can't complete your mission yourself.

Jai snapped me out of my thoughts by grabbing my hand and kissing it. We were sitting on the sofa all of a sudden, I don't even remember walking here but oh well. I looked at James and he looked at my hand with eyes as big as tomatoes.


I looked at my hand and saw it, the ring! I looked at Jai and he nodded for me to tell them.

" Well.. We totally forgot to tell you because of Rachel but.. Jai asked me to marry him and I said yes!!! " I said excitedly. My mood lightened up immediately.

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