Chapter 35

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" I think my water just broke..... " 

His eyes widened, he looked as if he was about to pass out. 

" A-Are you sure? Didn't you just pee your pants? I mean, I'd get it, these are hard times. " He said kind of relieved expecting me to say yes to the answer. Nope, I didn't pee my pants. I'm not a retard I can feel the difference.

" No Luke. I did not pee my pants, we really have to go to the hospital like now. " 

He nodded nervously. 

" We have to go home first because I obviously don't have the car here. Oh and maybe Beau can take us, he's a bett- " 


" Ohh yeah sorry " 

With that we quickly walked back to the house to get the car.

Once we got there we called for Jai and Beau but they weren't there? So Luke took the keys and we drove to the hospital as fast as we could. The ride was awful, I had so much pain. It felt like I was stabbed multiple times in my stomach and the pain couldn't be stopped.  

" You okay? " 

I nodded my head no, I wasn't able to speak.

" Hold on Lyssa, we're almost there. "

After 10 minutes we arrived to the hospital and we ran inside. It was a bit hard to run so I looked like a soldier in war who had just been shot in the leg. 


Luke yelled nervously, he looked like he was about to cry and I felt so bad for him. The doctor came immediately and I was told to lay on the stretcher. I carefully climbed up earning a zillion smacks of pain. Luke ran with all the doctors to the room and they flipped me over to the bed. 

Because of my pain I asked the doctors to give me an injection for the pain, but he didn't give me one because he said that it was better if the baby came 'naturally'. That bastard. I'm here dying from pain and he's talking about nature. From now on I hate that doctor.

" You don't hate him Lyss, don't say that. It's just the hormones sir don't worry. " Luke said.


" It's fine, I get that a lot with pregnant women. "


" AAAAH " My thoughts were interrupted by an awful pain in my lower area, Luke went crazy and called for the doctor again and immediately several people came running in and sticked their hand inside of my vagina. Like wow sure you may. I heard them all say things to eachother like 

" 12 mm " 

" she's ready " 

" get your stuff " 

That second sentence scared the hell out of me. I'm not ready! I can't do this it's too hard! I can't do this on my own I need Jai!.. WHERE IS JAI?!


" I don't know! I've tried to call every single on of them but no one picks up! But it's fine Lyssa, he'll come I promise. Just promise me one thing, do the best you can do for the baby okay? I need you to focus now, you can do this just push okay babe? " 

I nodded with tears streaming over my face.

" PUSH " The doctors yelled and I pushed as hard as I could to get my little girl out. 

I had such a weird feeling, it was like there was a huge block inside of me that was about to come out. 

" Okay breathe.. and.... PUSH! " I did as I was told and again, pushed as hard as I could.

I looked at Luke and he was crying.

" Lyss, we can see her head.. Keep pushing babe you can do this!! " 

I pushed and I pushed harder than ever. This is when the magic happened.. My little baby has arrived. I felt like a huge weight had been lifted off of my shoulders, this was the happiest moment of my life.

I watched how the doctor gently picked her up and I couldn't believe my eyes.. I forgot about all the pain and I could only see my baby girl.. She's so beautiful.. Right when the doctor was about to give me my girl my beautiful fiancé walked in.

I couldn't even be mad at him for not being here.. He came in, saw the baby and dropped his bag on the floor. He looked like he saw an angel and he did. Our little angel. 

" Baby.. " 

I giggled at his comment before the doctor handed me my precious little princess. 

" You're so beautiful baby.. You made it, I love you forever.. " I said before I kissed her little head.

Jai still stood there watching us gobsmacked. 

" Come look at her Jai, she's beautiful.. " 

With his open mouth he slowly walked towards us. When he got closer I noticed that he had tears all over his face, poor man. I gently handed him our baby and he looked at her in disbelief. It was the best sight ever, I have never seen him like this. I could see the happiness in his eyes, his little girl has finally arrived. Our little baby. 

He whispered things to her and kissed her head several times.

" Lyssa I love you so much.. I'm  so so so so sooo sorry for not being here when I had to I'm so sorry that Lu- " 

" Jai stop I get it it's fine.. " I gave him a reassuring smile and he walked over to kiss my head. 

" I love you.. "  I whispered in his ear. 

" I love you more.. " He whispered back. 

I hadn't noticed Luke and the other boys in the room untill Daniel spoke up.

" Uhm Jai and Lyssa.. she's s-so beautiful.. Can we h-hold h-her too? " Daniel said through sobs before the other boys nodded in agreement. Everyone was crying because of my beautiful little girl. Jai handed Daniel our little daughter and Daniel sat on the chair next to my bed with my baby in his arms. 

" What's her n-name? " Beau asked.

" Jailynn. " Jai and I said in sync full of pride.

Everyone aww'ed and all the guys got a chance to hold Jailynn. This was the best night of my entire life eventhough I'm exhausted. I'm so proud of her already and she didn't even do a single thing. I'm also so scared when I hold her. Scared that I'll drop her or that I'll grab her cute little body a bit too hard. She's my world, my reason to live and I couldn't be happier to be a mom of this beautiful child. 


Worst chapter ever omg please don't kill me. 

Anywhoooo little Jailynn has arrived, I couldn't wait till this moment. Next chapter will be JAI"S POV!!! 

PLeaSe lEaVe A vOtE AnD a CoMmEnT bEhInD ThAnKyOuUuUuU

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