Chapter 6

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" Jai are you sure about this? It's expensive, we can also go to maccas if you want? "

" Lyssa calm down, I told you this is my treat today, there's no need to worry about money. " He said bossy.

" But you have already paid for my clothes! "

" Well you are my princess, why wouldn't I? Now stop whining and let me get us a table yeah? "


" Good evening ma'am, sir. Would you like the romantic table in the back? Free wine included. " The ober said whilst looking at us as if we were a couple.

" No, tha- " I got cut off by Jai.

" Yes, we would love that, thankyou so much. " He said whilst grabbing my hand. The butterflies inside had gone wild when he grabbed my hand.

We both sat down and ordered our food.

Jai took my hands in his.

" I love you Lyssa "

" I love you too Jai.. Thankyou so much for everything, seriously. Not only the clothes but just everything. You have always been there for me. "

" And I always will " He said with his sloth smile.


We had eaten our food when we called the ober for desserts. I felt like I was going to explode but there's always space for icecream.

" Can I take your order? "

" Well sir, I have a question. You see, it's my girlfriends birthday, could we maybe get a cake with those firework things on it please? " Jai asked him gently. I looked at him, shocked. I'm not his girlfriend and my birthday is in 6 months!

" Ofcourse sir! Happy birthday ma'am! " The ober said with a huge smile on his face.

" T- thankyou " I stuttered.

The man walked away and I couldn't stop laughing.

" Jai you're the best! " I said before he winked at me.

We had our cake, it was amazing. All the obers stood around the table and sung for me. I had to stop myself from laughing because Jai enjoyed this way too much. After 20 minutes we had finished our cake and went to the Brooks house.

" Did you have fun today? " Jai asked whilst wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

" Loads, thankyou. Hey is it okay if I stay at yours tonight? Mum's out. " I asked. Jai nodded.

We got home and Gina hugged and kissed me and Jai our cheeks.

" Mum, Lyssa's staying tonight okay? "

" Sure hun. Beau, Luke, James, and Daniel are in your room playing FIFA. " She said.

Yay the boys are here, this is going to be a fun night.

Jai slammed the door open and none of them noticed us. All their eyes were glued on the screen.

" Hey lets prank them! " I whispered in Jai's ear. We prank eachother a lot. At least 5 times a day.

He nodded and chuckled. We walked to the bathroom and filled some cups with water. We didn't use a bucket because we didn't want the bed to be soking wet. We tip toed back to the room. Together we whispered " 3... 2... 1... " And we threw the water on them.



" WHY "


Jai and I laughed our asses off. Their faces were priceless, especially Daniel's.

" Now we have your attention " Jai chuckled.

" Sluts. " Beau said facing the screen again.

God I love pissing them off.

Jai and Luke were fighting over the controller and I placed myself next to Skip.

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