Chapter 22

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I dropped to my knees and bawled my eyes out. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

Everything faded away and I could only hear myself sobbing.

What did I see you ask? Let me explain.

I have an uncle. Uncle Joe. That's my fathers twin brother, they are identical. They used to be very competitive as brothers. You see, my uncle Joe, used to have all the girls and he was always so lucky with things, unlike my dad. Their mom used to beat my dad and praise my uncle. It was always Joe and never my dad. As you might understand, their relationship wasn't that good. It never was, till the day that my dad killed himself. My mom always blames my uncle Joe for my fathers death, because my dad wasn't happy because of him. ( she says. )

Now what I saw is insane.. heartbreaking.. scary..

My mom was standing in the kitchen, kissing uncle Joe with her back facing me. The kissing part is one thing but.. She had a knife behind her back..... She wanted to stab my uncle..


" WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! " I yelled before I ran up to her and grabbed the knife before she could do anything.

" Jai give it back NOW! " She yelled. I didn't recognize her at all. She wasn't herself. I used to see a sweet woman with love and happiness in her eyes. Her eyes were dark now, full of hate and disgust.

" I need to have this done! He needs to pay! "

Pay for what?

I quickly cupped Alyssa her face and told her that she needed to call the police. Eventhough this is her mom, she didn't hesitate once. This woman isn't somebody I know anymore, this woman is capable of dangerous things.

Alyssa ran to the living room and I could hear her talk to the police, they were on their way. I turned myself to Lyssa's mom again and looked at her with a confused expression.

" Why.. "

" I told you, he needs to pay for what he has done. AND YOU ARE RUINING EVERYTHING! "

I totally forgot about Joe. He was still sitting there in the corner with a terrified look on his face. I can't blame him, I'm terrified too. I feel like I'm facing the devil.

" P-Pay for what? "

" Oh you know Jai. My man is gone because of this shitface. HE MADE HIM DISAPPEAR!! " She screamed the last part and stormed herself on Joe again. She started hitting and kicking him. For a second I stood paralysed but I jumped in and managed to pull her off of him.

All of a sudden we heard police men yell and arrested Lyssa's mom. It all went so fast, they took Joe too and Lyssa and I drove behind them to the police station. We had to explain exactly what happened.



" I'm sorry Alyssa Jone, but I have to tell you that your mom isn't capable of taking care of you anymore. You have to find a new family to live with untill you are 18. That means that you're a foster child untill you find a new family. Once again, I'm sorry. But is that clear? "


" Y-Yeah it i- " I couldn't finish my sentence. I stormed out of the room. I got in a massive hallway and broke down. I can not believe this. Everyone leaves me, first my dad now my mom. I don't want a new family, what if I don't like them? Or worse, what if I won't find a new family....

I heard a familiar voice yell my name.


" Baby.. It's okay. We'll.. " He sighed before he finished. " We'll work something out. I can promise you that. "

" Really? "

" Really. " He said whilst he gave my hand a smal squeeze.

We both stood up and I gave him a tight hug. I didn't want to let him go, I want to stay in his arms forever, before he leaves too. But I know, Jai won't leave. He would never.

" Let's go home babe.. " He whispered in my ear. I nodded and together we walked out of the courthouse.

Home? I don't have a home anymore. I don't belong anywhere anymore.

We were driving to Jais'. The whole ride was completely silent, you could only hear the wheels running on the road and us breathing. It was good tho, it gave me time to think. That's when I remembered, Gina and the boys didn't know what happened yet. I do not feel like telling them. I just want to lay in bed with Jai.

" Jai? "

" Hmm "

" Your mom and the boys don't know what happened yet.. " I said whilst I played nervously with my hands. I was nervous because I was afraid for their reaction. I'm not ready to explain it myself.

" I know babe.. " He noticed that I was nervous because he immediately said

" Do you want me to tell them? "

" Yes please.. If you don't mind.. "

He grabbed my hand with his free hand and drew circles on my hand with his thumb. It comforted me for some reason.

" Ofcourse I don't beautiful "

He pulled into the driveway and we both got out and walked into the house. I was getting sweaty hands, I don't know why. It's like I'm ashamed of my mom, what if they will judge?

Wait what am I saying, they never will.

" Hi babies! " Gina yelled happily. Urgh why is her mood always so good. Beau and Luke were watching TV and yelled a simple ' sup '

Jai noticed that I was having a hard time and told me to go up. I nodded and walked as fast as I could to his room. I heard them all say ' what's wrong ' ' what happened ' ' is she okay? '

Tears were streaming down my face again. There is always something wrong, someone always has to ruin things for me. I didn't see mom that much, that's not okay, but this is just too much. This is wrong, disgusting and psychotic. Now that I think about it, I am ashamed of that person I call ' mom '

I wiped my own tears away and walked over to Jai his closet. I grabbed his nirvana shirt and a footy short. My faves. My eyeliner was messed up because of all the crying so I went to the bathroom to wash my face. I feel exactly how I look ; terrible.

I heard Jai open the door to his room so I quickly finished and walked to his room.

" Hi "

" Hey babe, are you okay? "

" .. Yeah I guess.. "

He gestured me to sit on his lap. I obeyed and pecked his lips.

" Thankyou for staying with me, I appreciate that. "

" Ofcourse Lyssa, I love you. "

I burried my head in the crook of his neck and he dragged me to lay next to him. We didn't say anything for a while, we just looked up to the ceiling untill I decided to break the silence.

" Please don't ever leave me Jai? "

" Never. "

" Promise? "

" Promise princess "

" Lyssa, where do you want to go? As in, what country? " He asked.

" Uhm.. I guess I would like Spain, why? "

" Let me promise you something okay? "

" Okay " Only that managed to put a small smile on my face.

" When you are 20 I'm putting a ring on that finger of yours and we are going to get married in Spain. That is a promise which I will keep no matter what. "

He is seriously the sweetest. My respond to that was a long loving, passionate kiss.

" I love you "




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