Chapter 25

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I woke up by something moving in my arms.

Oh wait, that's my girlfriend.

She looks so cute when she's asleep. She has this super small smile on her face which makes her look like an angel. When I kiss her head, her smile always gets bigger as if she notices what I'm doing. It's so sweet.

I still can't believe that I'm going to be a father already. I mean, it's great, it really is but I just didn't expect it this early. We still have to tell everyone. With everyone I mean everyone. My mom, brothers, Skip, James, my family and the fans. Today is the perfect day for it, because it's Lyssa's birthday.

Ahh she's going to go nuts if she wakes up. She acts like a major fangirl if I talk about her birthday, as if she's still a six year old.

Maybe I should surprise her, to make it all even better.

I slowly pulled my arm away from under her head and stood up. I was just in my boxer so I decided to put some trackies on.

It was completely silent in the house so that means that everyone is still asleep. I walked to the kitchen and opened the drawer to get a pan.

I'm going to make chocolate chip waffles, they're her favourite.

Once I was done making her breakfast and juice I carefully walked back up with everything in my hands. I can so see myself drop this all, I'm that clumsy.

Luckily I didn't.

I opened the door and she was still laying there hugging my pillow. I put the food on the little table in my room and went up to her to give her a kiss.

I kissed her soft pink lips. She kissed back, but she didn't wake up though. How?

" Baby wake up "

I tried but it didn't work. I know what will work.

" Lyssa it's your birthday, how can you be asleep on your own party? "

She immediately shot up with her eyes wide open.

" What what where no I'm awake "

She looked so confused I couldn't stop my laughter.

" Lyssa there isn't a party yet don't worry. "

She let out a huge sigh before her eyes widened again


By now she was jumping on the bed.

" No shit sherlock " I chuckled

" That's why I made you breakfast, IN BED. So lay down again please thank you "

She giggled and got down again.

" Happy birthday my love. I love you very very much " I said before I kissed her and gave her her food.

She thanked me and squeeled in excitement once she saw what I made her. God I'm such a good boyfriend.

Confidence much

Shut up.


Yeah whatever, go back in my head again.


Thank god I'm finally 18 and thank god for my boyfriend and soon to be baby daddy.

Eventhough all those bad and unexpected things happened, I'm happy. I couldn't have wished for a better family and I couldn't have wished for a better boyfriend. Jai was that one missing piece in my life. Even if other pieces fall out, the picture stays complete because of him. He fills up every bad thing with happiness.

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