Chapter 14

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" Lyss, can we please just go up for a bit? I need to get out of this room. "

He looks upset. Sure, I get it but it didn't mean anything to me and I'm pretty sure that Luke feels the same way about it.

" Sure monster. "

He took my hand and led me to his room without saying anything. I lay next to him and rested my head on his shoulder. We didn't say anything to eachother for about 10 minutes until I broke the silence.

" Jai are you ok? "

" Why wouldn't I be? "

" You're so quiet.. I just thought that something was wrong.. "

He didn't respond to it, he just looked at the ceiling.

" You know that it meant nothing to me right? I can only love you. It was just a stupid dare and the boys tried to annoy you.. "

" Well it worked. "

I kissed him on his lips, he tried to pull away but I kept kissing him. As I didn't let go he gave in and kissed me back.

" You see? Only you. The feelings I have with you are impossible to describe, you are the only one that is capable of making me feel this way so please Jai please, don't ever think that someone can take your place.. " I said whilst pecking his lips one more time.

Jai gave me the biggest grin ever and whispered " I love you Alyssa Anastacia Jone.. " in my ear.

Uhg best feeling ever. I felt my cheeks turn red and quickly looked down. I felt his soft warm hand caressing my cheek.

" You are so cute when you blush.. " He said which made me blush even more.

He has this weird affect on me. I feel completely comfortable around him, but I still get nervous when he's around. It's like I can do anything with him, but when he compliments me the butterflies in my stomach go crazy. It's like pain, but a good pain. Let me just call it Love-ache.

Do you have to be so cheesy?

Why can't I just explain my love for my boyfriend? Don't you have anything to do?

Nahh, I'm just here to annoy you.

Well thankyou. I appreciate that.

My thoughts were interrupted by someone at the door, it was Beau.

" Can I come in? "

" Whatever " Jai said.

Beau came in and had a sympathetic smile on his face.

Yeah, you should feel bad Bo.

" Look, I didn't mean to upset you or anything.. It.. It was just a stupid dare okay? I'm sorry Jai. "

Jai??? I coughed to let him know that he forgot something.

" Oh and Alyssa ofcourse, sorry. "

" It's ok Beau, just don't do it again. "

I looked at Jai and he sighed.

"Yeah, it's okay but you're still a dick you know that right? " Jai said with a small smile.

" Yeah I know Jai " Beau said and chuckled. He walked out of the room to the living room. I asked jai to go too and he agreed.

When we came in the living room everyone gave us a sympathetic smile except Luke. Actually, he didn't even look at us.

I decided to just ignore it untill he asked me if he we could talk. I nodded and together we walked to the kitchen.

" What is it? " I asked.

" Don't tell me you didn't feel anything back there.. "


" What do you mean? I didn't feel anything Luke. " He grabbed my hand and had a hopefull look on his face.

" Lyssa come on babe, don't lie. I know you felt something too, we can work this out! You know that I'm the one for you! not Jai! "

" What the hell Luke?! Stop it! How could you do this to Jai? Can't you see tha- "

I was cut off by his lips touching mine. I was about to push him off me when Jai walked in. He gave us a death glare..

" Jai I- "

" No, I have seen enough " He said before he stormed out of the room.


uh oh... this can't be good! ghehe

I know that it's a short chapter and it kinda sucks, sorry babeees !

the next chapter will be longer

love ya'll

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