Chapter 24

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" Know what? "

Oh my god.. I thought Gina said that she had asked them all already?

" Ehrm Jai.. Your mum asked me to be in this family so that I won't have to find a new family.. I'm so sorry I thought you knew. "

I couldn't read his face. He didn't look sad but he also didn't look happy.

" Does that mean that we will be brother and sister? "

" No, well yeah according to the papers but no. It just means that I have a house to live in with people who have always felt like my family, but it's okay Jai, this was a mistake. "

I stood up and walked to the bathroom, I really needed some alone time. I mean, I get it. It is weird, it will be like I'm dating my brother..

My thoughts got interrupted by someone knocking on the door.

" Please, just leave me alone for a bit.. " This is all so messed up.

" Baby please let me in, I really didn't mean it like that. To be honest, it would be amazing if you were a part of our family. I mean, you have always been right? "

I didn't respond, although that did put a smile on my face. Just the thought of having a family.

" Babe, let me in please? "

I stood up and turned the lock. I opened the door and Jai fell backwards because he was leaning against the door. He was laying on the ground and I couldn't stop my laughter.

He looked at me with his puppy eyes and held out his hand asking me to help him. I'm not the meanest girlfriend, so I gave him my hand. I thought that he was going to stand up but instead, he pulled me down which made me fall on top of him.

" Jai l-let me go-o " I said between laughs.

" You can't say that you don't like this position " He said with a smirk on his face.

That cheeky bastard.

To be honest he is right, I feel save when he holds me like this. We both leaned in and our lips touched eachother. I immediately felt sparks.

He went from my lips to my jaw to my neck.

" I love you " He whispered in my ear which sent me shivers down my spine. It's crazy how he still makes me shiver and blush. That will never stop.

He picked me up bridal style and walked back to the bedroom. He gently put me down and lay himself on top of me.

We just looked in eachothers eyes for what seemed like ages and I will never get bored of doing that. That is the best view a woman can have, the eyes of her true lover.

I could just feel our love and passion and we were so cut up in the moment. He started kissing me again and things got heated, I could see the lust in his eyes.

" You ready? " He asked making sure I was okay with it.

" More than ready "

That night it happened.

* Next morning *

" Jai can you get the little one please? I have to give her a bath. "

" She's coming babe "

Jai came in with our little girl, she was wearing her favourite pink princess dress.

" Lets give you a bath my beautiful princess " Jai said whilst he took her dress off.

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