Chapter 27

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We're already six months further.. A lot has happened. Well I mean, I quit school and stopped working for a while because my belly is getting pretty big now.. The morning sickness got worse and so did the pain. Above all we can't wait for our little one to arrive. The boys try to do more things for the Janoskians to gain more money so that Jai and I can spend it for the baby. I hate it, but we don't really have a choice and the boys would do it anyways so I guess I just have to let them do it.

We were all sitting on the couch watching Mean Girls. With all I mean James, Skip, Luke, Beau, Jai and I. I couldn't focus on the film though. I was too busy with studying Jai his features.. He must be an angel, the way he pouts his mouth slightly when he's busy doing something.. His strong jaw-line.. His long eyelashes.. His h-

" Baby you know that I can see you stare right? "


" Sorry I'm just so happy Jai.. " I said before I rested my head on his chest." Me too momma " He whispered in my ear. What a cuti-


" Jai please don't say that ever again? it sounds gross. "

" Only if you call me daddy once. "

Why the hell am I having a child with this boy? No no no I'm kidding I love him. Or not. JOKES..

I quickly whispered it in his ear and pecked his lips sweetly. We we giggling and acting cute when Beau decided to interrupt us.

" Uhm we're trying to watch a movie here but we are being disturbed by two annoying love birds. Get a room maybe? "

I gave him a death glare and Jai said " Yeah maybe we will " with a smirk on his face.

Beau rolled his eyes and surprisingly the movie came to an end which made Beau even more annoyed.

" NOW I MISSED THE END. THANKS GUYS. " Jeez this boy really must love the movie.

" Dude you have seen this movie more than a hundred times, chill ur beans. "

He rolled his eyes again and walked to his room.

" What's up his ass " Luke said laughing.

" Seriously, I was just about to ask. Let's just leave him alone " I said laughing with Luke.

" Yeah.. Oi goodluck at the scan today yeah? Make sure to take photos with you!! I wanna see my little niece. " Luke said in a sassy voice. I swear he's the king of sassiness.

" How do you know it's a girl you cunt? " Jai said throwing a pillow at Luke.

" Because. I just know. " He said and with that he walked to his room too.

I turned to look and Jai and we decided to go if we wanted to be on time. I'm so nervous.. I don't really know why. It's just all so fast and.. real.

We got into the car and drove to that now familiar building. Jai noticed that I was a bit shaky so he grabbed my hand with his free hand and kissed it soflty.

After about five minutes we arrived at the doctor and the lady at the desk told us to wait in the waiting room. I felt like I needed to throw up again so I told Jai to stay and quickly ran to the girls room. Luckily it was clear so no one would hear me. I bend over the cold toilet and let all my breakfast come out. When I thought I was done, more came and more and more, like it would never stop.

When I was finally done I flushed the toilet and opened the door to wash my hands and rinse my mouth with water to get rid of the dirty taste. But when I opened the door I wasn't alone anymore.

Rachel was here.

She stood in front of me with one hand on her hip and a bitchy face. I.CAN'T.STAND.HER.

" What are you doing here? " I asked because she clearly isn't pregnant. She didn't answer my question.

" Getting fat already aren't you? "

Uhm does she not get the point of being pregnant? There is a freaking human inside of me.

" Do you not know what being pregnant means? I'm carrying a baby with me, try it once. " She was starting to piss me off really bad.

" Whatever. Listen to me, you better break up with Jai or I'll do something you will not appreciate. "

Who is she kidding. lolZ.

" Why are you even trying? You know that nothing can break Jai and I, that includes you, and what are you going to do then? NOTH- "

Before I could finish my sentence she slapped me in my face. Hard. I quickly grabbed my cheek to soften the pain but it didn't help at all.

" Things will get worse if you don't do what I say, and don't even try to tell Jai. "

Tears started to build up in my eyes when she walked away. When she was completely gone I let it all out. The tears were streaming down my face by now and I couldn't stop. That's untill someone knocked on the door. I was waiting till that someone came in because, well this is a public toilet so..?

" Lyssa? " It's Jai.

I walked out and gave him a fake smile.

" Baby what's wrong why are you crying?! "

" Just.. Just the hormones babe. " He nodded still not believing me.

Together we walked to the room and we did the same routine again. Our baby was visible at the screen again and again the tears came.

" Jai and Alyssa, do you want to know the gender of the baby? " The lady said with a genuine smile on her face.

I looked at Jai and he nodded smiling at me which I returned to the lady. She made circles on my stomach to find the baby's gender when her smile got bigger.

" It's a girl !! "


I really don't know why this is so weird but oh well, sorry for this chapter :(

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