Chapter 20

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" Lyssa it's not what it looks like!!! "

" Then tell me.. What is it Jai? " I said whilst tears were streaming down my face.


" Everything is fine Beau. " I said with a huge grin on my face.

" Well great timing because we have good news. "

No one responded, instead we all just waited for him to tell the 'good news'. Beau never has good news, it always turns out to be something stupid so I'm not getting too excited.

" We are having a meet and greet with our fans tomorrow in Sydney! It's to celebrate our first song! We will be doing a live daresundays and just having a good time on stage with our fans! "

Everyone was cheering and jumping around like little kids who have just heard that they will be going to Disney land. Oh, that includes me.

But hey you can't blame anyone. We are all so proud that they have come this far already. They started with doing stupid things and all of a sudden they had thousands of fans. Now they have released their first song, crazy!

" PARTY TIME! " Skip yelled.

We all agreed and decided to go food shopping.


" Noooo I want hot dogs! " Skip pouted

" Hamburgers! " I pouted

" Hot dogs it is "

" Hamburgers it is. "

" WILL YOU SHUT UP? We are having pizza and THAT'S IT. " Beau said ( yelled )

The douche. Nahh I love Beau. As a friend, or not. Hah kidding sorrynotsorry.

We already had a lot of alcohol, food, other drinks, more food and did I mention more food? Well, more food.

" Oi Lyssa did you invite Becca already? "

" Oh no I didn't i'll text her right now. " I said before I pulled my phone out of my pocket.

To sexiestgirleverBecca : I still laugh at how she put her name in my phone

Oiii Girl, we are having a party tonight and you are coming.

From sexiestgirleverBecca :

Oh am I?

To sexiestgirleverBecca :

I just told you are you deaf

From sexiestgirleverBecca :

Actually no because I can hear perfectly fine I might have a problem with my eyes tho oops

From sexiestgirleverBecca :

But whatever ofcourse I am coming how would I miss that. Gtg now do not text me back. Or you can. Whatever I'm tripping bye,

That girl is crazy. I was following the boys whilst not looking up once from my phone untill I walked into something hard and fell.

" What the hell since when was that wall there ?! " The boys didn't even help me they were all crying from laughing and I was just there.. chilling on the ground. When they were all done laughing Jai came to me and offered me his hand to stand up. We paid for everything and went back to the brooks' house.


" Baaabyyy I love you sooo muuuuchhh " Jai slurred.

" I love you to Jai but you really should stop drinking now, come on lets get you some water. " I giggled and dragged Jai to the kitchen. Everyone was shit drunk, well everyone but me. I decided to be the smart one this night because who would look after them if I weren't there.

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