Chapter 15

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I woke up in a dark room, which made me feel even more depressed. The last time I spoke Jai was a week ago. It all went so wrong, it's just a misunderstanding but he wouldn't let me explain and it looks like Luke didn't even bother to try to explain. School is the hardest thing ever now. Jai doesn't even look at me and that stupid girl - what's her name again? Oh - Rachel follows him around like a puppy. But oh well, I guess that I should just focus on myself for now.

Oh and I have a job now. It's a sandwich house a block away from my school, it's really nice and cute there, I like it.

I jumped out of bed and grabbed my uniform out of my closet. God how I hate that thing..

I quickly put it on and did my make-up. I decided to let my hair down because my curls looked good today and I would ruin it if I washed my hair so I grabbed my backpack and walked to the kitchen to get some breakfast. I was a bit late so I just grabbed an apple and walked to school. If it was up to me my mom would take me to school but she wasn't at home as usual so I had to walk.


I opened my locker to grab my books for the first three hours when I saw Jai with Rachel. She intertwined their arms and he looked slightly annoyed but faked a smile. I sighed.

We didn't even broke up officially and she is already up his ass.

Jai noticed that I was looking at him so I quickly looked away and ran to my first class

So awkward oh my god. And this happened everyday. Actually, just three days because school just started three days ago but still, it feels like years.

I got in the classroom and Becca saved a chair for me. I love that girl.

" Haaaay girlllll " She said with her fake american accent.

" Haha hi weirdo " She chuckled.

Mr. Montgommery came in and started his boring lesson. I felt that someone was looking at me, I looked at the other side of the classroom and there was Jai, staring at me. It wasn't a nice stare, he looked evil. I didn't even do anything wrong that day. Luke kissed me! He didn't even give me the chance to explain.

I looked away and tried to focus on Mr. Montgommery, which was hard.


" Oi Lyssa, Jai asked me to give you this. " Becca said and handed me a letter before she walked away.

I read the letter and it said ;


To be honest, I would never have guessed that you would do this to me. Not even in my wildest dreams. I had huge plans for us, like, getting married and stuff. I truly believed that there was a future for us. But unfortunately you chose my brother. Luke told me that he wanted to say sorry for what he did, but you kissed him afterwards. It's absolutely pathetic, to make someone believe that you care about him. I did love you, more than anything. I thought that we had something real. I have always said that is was too good to be true, like a dream, and unfortunately it was. I still love you and I always will, but I have to say that we're over.

- Jai

My heart was ripped apart. I didn't even notice that I was crying..

How could Luke do this to me? Not only me but also Jai. Jai is broken and I didn't even do anything. This needs to be fixed, and now.


Sorry for this emotional thingy. I will update again today I think :)

Keep reading coz the next chapter will have a ' Luke's POV ' :D

I'm so exited omg! Thankyou for reading and please leave a vote and a comment behind!


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