Chapter 34

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" Jai babe pick that up for me please? it's too heavy I'll get the other box "

He nodded and kissed my head. I grabbed the smaller box and put it in the van.

Yup I said box. We figured that it would be a good idea if we moved out, to have enough room for the baby. Its a block away from Ginas' so thats lovely.

" Alyssa Anastacia Jone, may I ask you why you're carying stuff? You're pregnant girl, why do you think we're here? " James said sassily. He was right, I shouldn't be carying things with my belly, but I want to because I'm the one that's moving and I'm not doing anything.

All the boxes were loaded in the van and we drove to the other house. It is so pretty, it has white walls everywhere and there are loads of big palm plants in the house which gives it a fresh look. There are big windows that allows the sun to light up the room. When you go up the stairs there are four rooms, the master bedroom for me and Jai, the room for the baby and two guest rooms. They're all pretty big. Then our garden.. It has beautiful flowers everywhere and there's a pool. I wanted cute little chairs next to the flowers so I can drink my coffee there in the morning in the sun, or when we have a party. It's nice.

Jai came up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

" I'm so proud of us Jai.. we made it. " I felt a single tear flow down my face. A tear of happiness though.

" Me too Lyss but I knew we would. We're meant to be.. "

" Oh how romantic " Beau said dramatically.

We all laughed at his little act.

" Guys lets do something here, like lets watch a movie or something. "


" Oh shut up Daniel you know you're scared of em. "

" A-Am not! "

Everyone rolled their eyes because everyones knows that Daniel is scared.

" Well lets watch the scariest one we have then. " Jai said.

I looked in the box what movies we had and saw Insidious. Seriously that movie is creeping me out. I held it up and everyone cheered only Daniel nervously smiled. I smirked and played the movie.

We all got comfy and I got comfy in Jai's arms, resting my head on his chest. The movie started and Daniel was shitting his pants already. I must admit, that little boy is scary as hell.

Suddenly Jai's phone lit up and it was a text from a girl named Anna. I looked up to see his reaction and to be honest he looked quite confused. When he opened the text message it said :

From Unknown :

Hey babe, had heaps of fun yesterday night, you're a keeper! We should do it again sometime.. Oh I mean some night. xoxo Anna


Did I really just read that? No I must be dreaming let me look again..

xoxo Ann.....


" Baby girl it's not what it looks like.. "

Tears were swelling up in my eyes and now everyone looked at us to see what was going on.

" It's never what it looks like Jai.. "

" I know but I me- "

" Who is she Jai? "

" I don't know! I don't know an Anna, someone must have set me up!! "

" Yeah.. someone set you up.. " I said with my face hanging down before I walked to grab my jacket.

I have to get out, I can't handle this stress now. I'm going to Becca.


Why me? Why always me. I swear to god I don't know that girl... Who would even do this?

" Bro what happened? "

I have to tell them what's up because they have to know that I'm not lying.

" Someone set me up, they send me a fake message from a girl named Anna pretending that we had sex last night. "


"..... last night "

I know exactly what this means and I know that Jai would never do this to Alyssa. He loves her more than he even loves himself. This is Jake's work.


" ..... last night. "

This is.. no. This can't be true, this isn't something that Jai would do and we don't know anyone who's called Anna. Who would even call their child Anna, seriously. They are expecting a baby so they can't handle the stress right now, Lyssa already walked away and Jai is a mess. I have to do something.

" Beau, you go help Jai, I'm going to find Lyssa. I think she doesn't want to see Jai now. "

He nodded and Jai sat with his head in his hands. I hate seeing my brother like this. I quickly walked out to find Lyssa and when I got out she was nowhere to be seen.

Where could she be?

I walked down the road towards the park hoping that I would find her there, this is also the way to Becca's so there could be a chance that she's here somewhere. I looked everywhere and it was starting to get dark which made it a bit harder. I was about to walk back when I saw a girl walking/running in the direction of Becca's house.

That's her.

I accelerated my pace to catch up with her. It was hard though because she was walking like a father who had just heard that his son got beaten by boys. Weird right, I know. I was a bit out of breathe when I got to her but that wouldn't stop me, she's pregnant for god sakes.

" Lyssa ple- "

" Luke no leave me alone I'm done with all of this! I'm not going to listen and I'm not coming back! "

Always so stubborn, always.

" Oh don't you walk away from me woman! You ARE going to listen and you ARE coming back and you know you will so stop being stubborn and just listen to me. You're pregnant for god sakes! Do you think this is healt- "


" Jai didn't sleep with that girl. Wait what am I saying, what girl? He doesn't even know an Anna, trust me on that. I know everyone he knows, we're twins babe. I can also see if he's lying and he really isn't Lyss. I have to say that I've never seen him this down before, he loves you more than the world or even himself. You have to talk to him, we know that someone set him up and.. if you're smart enough you only have to guess once.. "

She had tears rolling down her cheeks by now, she knows that he didn't do this. I mean come on, he would never.

" Luke I... I feel so stupid! "

She broke down in tears and dropped to the ground.

" Shh Lyss, it's okay, it's all okay.. "

She wanted to rest her head on my shoulder when she looked at me with the biggest eyes ever. She had that ' oh my god are you a unicorn ' face.

" What's up? "

" Luke... Do you have your drivers license? "

" Yeah I do.. why? "

" I think my water just broke.......... "


Sorry for the long wait guys! Here it is :)


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