Chapter 32

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I woke up without opening my eyes. I tried to find Jai but he wasn't laying next to me anymore. I decided to open my eyes eventually because I was getting quite suspicious. I opened my eyes and was greeted by the smell of baked bread and eggs. It smelt lovely but it sure wasn't good for my stomach. I jumped up as fast as I could and ran to the beautiful white bathroom. I kneeled down so my head was hanging above the toilet and let all the food that was inside of me come out.

I can't deal with this morning sickness anymore. It didn't stop. I felt someone rubbing my back and pushing my hair back.


" Thanks baby, you didn't have to. "

" I know I didn't I wanted to. "

" Gross " I giggled.

" Well no, I mean it isn't my favourite thing to do but if that means helping my girlfriend it is. "

I looked up at him and smiled.

" I brought you some breakfast. Would you like some or don't you feel like eating now? "

Aww I can't say no to that. To be honest I'm starving too, hey I just threw it all out so my stomach is ready to be filled again.

" I would love some Jai, thankyou so much. "

I brushed my teeth and Jai went to get us the food.

This hotel is so beautiful oh my god. It has a king sized bed with white sheets and a dark brown head rest. The wall is from glass. So, there are only windows, except by the door. That is so you can see the view when you wake up. It's gorgeous.

Jai came back with our food and it looked so pretty and delicious. It was baked bread with scrambled eggs and sausages.

" bon appetit my beautiful fiancé "

" Thanks baby "

I didn't wait one single second and ate all my food as if it was the last meal I'll ever have. It was so good! Once I was done I looked up and Jai was cracking up.

" What? " I asked with an innocent face.

" You're such a monster, go look at yourself in the mirror. "

I walked to the bathroom to look in the mirror and my face made me feel sick. Nope, not kidding.

I had pieces of scrambled egg all over my mouth and the grease of the sausage was just all over my face. Seriously how gross is that.

I quickly grabbed a napkin and immediately jumped in the shower. That's how gross I felt.

I felt the warm water flow down my body when Jai walked in. I watched what he was doing and he suddenly undressed himself.

" Uhmm, what are you doing? "

He gave me that ' Uhm what do you think I'm doing, are you blind? ' face.

" I'm joining you. "

" Jai we aren't going to do anything "
I giggled.

" Oh I know that, I'm going to wash you and your hair with your favourite shampoo. " He said with his cute sloth smile and jumped in. The sight of him is unbelievable.

He started to gently wash my body and gently kissed my stomach.

" Do you like this? " He whispered to the baby. That caused me to smile like crazy.

He grabbed the shampoo and and gently rubbed my head. This felt so good, I really needed this. He washed the shampoo out of my hair and kissed my back slowly.

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