Chapter 17

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" JAI!! "

I ran to the gate and kneeled down at Luke. His face looked bruised already.

I stood up again to ask Jai what happened but when I turned around he was no longer in sight. Eventhough I was still mad at Luke I had to help him. I couldn't just leave him there like that.

" Get up Luke, I'm taking you home. " I said not sounding too happy. Helping him doesn't mean that I forgive him just like that. Luke stood up and I walked him home.

" Lyssa I-I'm s-sorry.. "

" Not now Luke, just tell me what happened back there. Why did he punch you? "

" Well.. I was just walking to the gate untill I heard Jai yell my name. So I turned around and he begun to yell at me about why I did it and that he hates me. So I yelled back that he knew that I've always liked you and that he should be glad that I let him have you. That's when he punched me. Look Lyssa I know that I have made a huge mistake but I love you. To be honest I always have. "

We both had stopped walking and I was in a total shock. Did he really just tell me that he loves me?

" Luke.. " I was speechless I really didn't know what to say.

" I-I don't know what to say.. You know that I love Jai with my whole life. If you would've told me that you liked me well then.. maybe we could've worked something out but you really fucked up Luke. You are the reason that our hearts were broken and I don't think that I can forgive you for that.. not now. " A tear rolled down my face.

" Lyssa plea- "

" No Luke, save it. " I said before I run off.

This is crazy. We all used to be so happy together, they were all like my brothers. Especially Luke, we were the closest. It's funny how one lie can change everything. I just want to go to bed to watch netflix and get fat. But there is one single thing I have to do.

Find Jai.

I had no idea where he was so I decided to call him.

He picked up after the phone rang three times.

" H-Hello? "

" Jai where are you?! "

" It doesn't matter. "

" Cut it Jai just tell me "

" No "

" Jai stop being so stubborn! Just come please? " He sighed

" Alright, I'm on my way. "

After that I hung up. I walked to the park and waited under a tree. It looked like it was about to rain.

After about ten minutes Jai arrived. He walked towards me with his head hanging down. He was obviously stressed. Once he stood infront of me he looked at me with his eyes full of guilt.

" Lyssa I'm so- "

I didn't let him finish, I kissed him passionately. I pulled away after a while and squeezed his hand.

" What was that for? "

" You don't have to apologize Jai. Luke told me what happened and he was so wrong. I don't blame you for anything, neither walking away. I just want to let you know that I love you more than anything and no one can ever take your place baby. " I said before I pecked him on the lips.

We stared in eachothers eyes when it started to rain. All of a sudden Jai started to count " 1..2..3..4.. "

I was confused because I didn't know what he meant. He was at 8 and that's when I got it. My eyes widened and I ran in to the rain. Jai started chasing me and we both were soking wet. I couldn't stop screaming and laughing when I felt two muscular arms wrapped around my waist. He spinned me around and whispered " I love you Alyssa.. " in my ear.

He put me down and I turned around to face him.

I love him so much. Whatever happens, I'll always be his girl and he'll always be my boy.

We're infinite.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He hummed Justin Bieber - nothing like us and we slowly danced in the rain. His voice.. it's amazing.

I rested my head on his shoulder and wrapped my arms tightly around his waist.

" Babe, let's go. We don't want to be sick now, do we " He chuckled.

" Yeah let's go " I giggled

" Let's go to my place and watch netflix and get fat! "

" Omg Jai you are the best! I have been waiting for that all day "

I pecked him on his lips once again before we walked over to Jai's.


im so sorry this is baaaad! Anyways, next chapter will have a Luke's POV too!!

I'm so exited omg.

Wuuuuv yoouuus

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