Chapter 21

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" Come on, let's go to the back. I'll explain you everything. "

She nodded sadly and followed me behind. There is always something that tries to drive us apart. I guess love really isn't easy. I don't mind it, 'cause she's worth the hard work and pain, as long as I have her in the end.

I pushed the door open and waited for her to go in first.

Gentleman much?

Got that right mate.


Don't you K me!

" Uhm.. I didn't say anything Jai.. "

" Oh no sorry I was talking to myself again hah.... "

Good one Jai, well done. Now she thinks that you're a freak uhg.

" So.. I really didn't kiss her Lyssa. I promise. "

" Tell me what happened. How am I supposed to believe you with this? ' I promise ' my ass. "

Wow I have never seen her like this..

" S-Sorry I-I'll explain. So we were just waiting for the next fan to take a picture with us and have a small talk you know? Just the regular thing. So she came in and I immediately did not like her. I don't know why, she's just that average bimbo with an annoying high pitched voice. Anyways, she came up to me and asked me to give her a kiss. I hesitated for a while but it's still a fan so ofcourse I went for the cheek, but she pulled me for the lips and held me there. Really I tried to push her off but she held her arms really tight around my neck. When I finally pushed her off you saw us.. You saw that I pushed her off right? "

I said in one breath. I'm so nervous what if she doesn't believe me? I can't lose her I really can't she's my all omygod no

" I guess.. "


" Lyssa please you have to believe me! I would never cheat on you! Why would I? I have the most perfect girlfriend in the world who can't be changed for anything better.. " My eyes were getting glassy by now. Hey don't judge, this girl really means the world to me.

" I have loved you since the day I can remember and really Lyssa, my world would fall apart if I lost you. Don't leave me beautiful, I love you so much. Forever and always. " A single tear fell down my cheek and I grabbed her hand hoping that she would forgive me.

" I love you Jai.. " She whispered before I pulled her in for the tightest hug I have ever given.

I feel save when she's in my arms. It's like I can handle the whole world when she's beside me.

" We're forever baby.. " She said. I noticed that she was crying too, so I wiped the tears away and pecked her on her soft cute pink lips.

It was short, but loving and passionate. Just perfect.

I grabbed her hand and together we walked back to the others. The boys gave us sympathetic smiles because they knew what was going on.

Beau told me that they were rude to that girl who called herself a ' fan ' after she tried the same thing with Beau. Janoskianators don't do that, it's just wrong.

The day went by quickly and we had loads of fun with all of our friends. We decided to forget that incident and just have fun. Skip said that we all should go to a restaurant to celebrate and we all agreed.


We forgot about the incident and just had fun, it was a lovely day after all. We we're going to a restaurant so Becca and I are getting dressed at my place. Mum won't be home I guess so we have the house to ourselves.

Beau drove us home in the van. Luke sat shotgun, Beau in the drivers seat ofcourse.

I sat behind Luke with Jai next to me and Becca next to him and James and Daniel behind us.

We were in the car for already an hour and I couldn't sit still anymore. I had-to-move. And you knooow, I get annoying when I'm bored. Ghehe.

" Beau. "

" Beau. "

" Bo "

" Blow "

" Bow "

" Be- "

" WHAT?! "

" HI "

Everyone sighed except Jai. He laughed with me, what a cutie. My boy.

50 minutes passed by and we finally got home. We all got out and only Becca and me went straight to my house. I opened the door and yelled


No one responded. Exactly what I thought.

We grabbed some drinks and ran upstairs to my room. I love having girl time with my best friend, we haven't done it in a while. I played That's What She Said by the Janoskians ( obsessed with that song seriously ) and skipped to the bathroom next to my room. Becca got the one downstairs.

I quickly washed myself, blow dried my hair and went to my room again. Becca was already sitting on my bed texting someone and she had this very familiar cheeky grin on her face. She didn't even notice me being in the room. I know exactly what this means.


" WHAT no hah NO w-what are you talking about HA "

Girl are you kidding me.

" You are such a bad liar and you know it, now tell me. " I could tell by her eyes that she knew that I was right and she gave in.

" Well.. uhm.. Please don't laugh at me? I mean seriously, please don't. "

" What! Ofcourse not! "

" Ehr.. I-It's D-D.. Daniel...... "


I squeeled in excitement, this is great.

" Becca oh my god this is great! " Her face immediately lit up and her eyes widened.

" Are you serious? I'm so happy and I think that he likes me too. I really like him Lyss.. " She said whilst she looked down and I saw a blush on her face. So cute.

" I am really happy for you Bec, I'm sure that he likes you too I mean, who wouldn't?! Let's get ready and go to our boys. I think you have someone to flirt with so get ready cupcake! "


" That was delicious!! I had so much fun but I think that I am going to explode now.. " Becca said whilst she linked her arms with Daniels. They are already so cute I can't wait till they are a couple.

I grabbed Jai's hand and intertwined our fingers together. I immediately felt safe.

Beau drove us home again and Jai stayed the night with me.

We dropped Becca off first and I saw that she pecked Daniels lips really quickly so that no one could see. But hey, I'm Lyssa. I see everything. Daniel had a smile on his face the whole ride, lovely.

We finally got home and everyone went to the brooks except Jai and me. I was really really tired so I just wanted to go to bed as fast as I could and lay in Jai his arms.

I turned the key and opened the door. I didn't expect anyone at home so I walked to the kitchen and turned the lights on.

My jaw dropped to the ground when I saw it.

" M-Mum.. W-What are you d-doing? "

I dropped to my knees and bawled my eyes out.


uh ohhhhh.....

Ship Becca and Skip too? AKA Secca ;)

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thankyou guys love yous


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