Chapter 37

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" She's.. "

I couldn't finish my sentence. My view became weaker and my legs started to shake. Breathing became hard and my eyes slowly closed.

" J..A..I.. "

Everything went black.


I saw his eyes slowly closing and knew that this was bad. Really really bad. I ran to him as fast as I could to catch him.

" Luke he passed out get a wet towel quick!! We have to know why he passed out there must be something wrong with Alyssa! "

It was the worst view to see my little brother like this. One second he seemed so happy with his little girl. The happiest I've seen him in ages and the other second he passed out.

Luke came running back with the towel and a glass of water.

" Dude did you seriously get yourself something to drink? You selfish little shit. "

" Beau. Are you retarded? This is for Jai when he wakes up you dumb cow. "

" Guys this is not the time to argue. James, go get the phone and look who called, call them back and ask them what's wrong, now! " Ronnie said sternly.

I gently stroked Jai's forehead with the towel and in his neck, hoping that he would open his eyes.

" Come on Jai, open your eyes.. " I whispered to him.

I know it's dramatic but it felt as if he was about to die, he looked so lifeless. On top of everything Jailynn started crying. Luckily Daniel manned up for once and gently shook her to keep her quiet. I looked at James to listen to the conversation when his eyes widened.

" James what is i- "

" JAI dude get up, drink a bit water bro. " Luke said relieved.

" Alyssa.. We have to go to the hospital NOW " Jai said sternly.

" He's right. It was the hospital who called. Lyssa has been in a car accident. "

A car accident.. The words were told but I couldn't understand. That girl feels like my own sister. The one I should take care of when Jai can't. I will be the one that walks her down the aisle.. And now I couldn't do a thing..

" Guys let's go now. I'm driving, who's staying here with the baby? " Ronnie said.

We all switched looks and everyone agreed that it was best if James stayed. James is the responsible one in times like this and we really need to see Lyssa.

" Guys, I'll stay with James. I think he will need the help and you are more important to her. They won't let me in anyways. "

We all nodded and quickly went out.

The drive was silent. You could hear a needle drop. Everyone was so nervous. Nervous for how bad it is, what she will look like, if she's okay..

After a while we arrived at the hospital and we basically ran to the information desk.

" Alyssa! Alyssa Jone. She's been in an accident. Where is she? "

" Are you her boyfriend? "

" Yes. Where is she. "

" And who are these young men? "


" Jai, relax. We'll get to her no matter what okay? I promise. " I said with a calm voice to calm him down.

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