Chapter 9

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I got dressed and went downstairs to the living room to see no one there.

Where is everyone?

I walked over to the fridge to get some food when I saw a note on it.

Jai, we're off to the gym.


' Well, thanks for waiting for me. I appreciate that ' I said out loud pretending that he could hear me.

It sucks that Alyssa is with Becca, I just wish I had her all to myself. That would be amazing, to be all alone with her on this planet.

Then tell her.. ' That stupid voice said again.

The voice may be right but jesus could you just shut up for a second. I can think for myself.

I walked over to the sofa when I heard my phone ring. What a coincidence, it's Lyssa.

" Haaay babe " I said with my girly voice. She giggled a bit.

" Hihi Hiya Jye! " I hate it when people call me Jye, only she is allowed to.

" Listen I'm coming home, do you need anything from the stores? "

" Nahh thanks babe, just come home. " I said a bit nervous before she hung up.

I guess today is the day.. I'm telling Lyssa that I'm in love with her.. She may not like me back but I don't really care anymore, I need to tell her.


I heard a car on the driveway and panicked, I don't know why but I ran to the sofa and turned the TV on. Needed some distraction I guess.

" Monster I'm here! " She yelled sounding happy. What if I ruin her mood by this.. fuck fuck fuck

" I'm in the living room! " I yelled getting more and more nervous. Am I really doing this or should I just leave things the way they are?

She jumped on my lap, wrapping her arms around my neck and kissed my cheek. She makes it so much harder oh my god.

Fuck it I'm just doing it. This can either go good or bad.

" Ehrm Lyss, there's something I want to talk to you about. " I said whilst stroking the back of my neck. God I'm way too nervous.

" Are you going to throw water and baking soda on me too? I'll kick your ass Jai! " She said which made me laugh. Typically my girl. Well, not officially my girl.. yet.

" No I - I'm actually serious. " I said with a nervous smile on my face.

She nodded " Okay spit it out. "

" Well.. It's hard for me to say this but.. You're amazing, You're beautiful, You're my everything Alyssa. I really tried to see you as my best friend but eveytime when I look in those brown eyes of yours I just melt. Everytime when you kiss my cheek I feel butterflies inside. To me you are way more than a best friend babe and I'm in lo -, "

I got cut off by her lips touching mine. They moved perfectly against eachother. After what seemed like a year she pulled away.

" I'm in love with you too Jaidon.. " She said whilst a tear ran down her face. I wiped it away and pecked her lips softly.

I can't believe I just told her this and I can't believe that she actually feels the same way about me!

I seriously melted.. The butterflies in my stomach had gone wild and I loved it. This is the best day of my life.

I pulled her into a hug and kissed her head.

" Jai let's go to the room okay? " I nodded and picked her up bridal style. I gently put her on the bed and she pulled me with her.

I kissed her lips, jaw and went to her colars which made her groan slightly. She rolled us over so she was on top now. She looked at me and bit her lip whilst her hair was covering er face a bit.

" You're so hot when you do that " I said which made her smile.

I slowly pulled her to me and pecked her lips twice. She laid down next to me with her head on my chest.

" Jai? " She whispered.

" Yes beautiful? "

" I.. I'm still a virgin.. " Shit I didn't want her to think that I was taking her virginity already! I know she is ofcourse.This was just a make out session.. a hot one though.

" Baby I know, don't be scared. Lets not rush things. Just tell me when you are ready, I'll wait for you. Even if it takes 2 years, it doesn't matter as long as I'm with you. " I said whilst kissing her forehead and drawing a heart on her shoulder with my thumb.


Hiyaaaa!! I'm sorry for the long wait but here it is. I'm kind of busy with school and stufffff...

Let me know what you think about Lyssa and Jai AKA Jyssa ghehe and leave a vote behind.

Stay fabulous guys, stay fabulous.

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